The House on Haunted Hill (1999) vs The Haunting (1999)

Scary Movies and Series

Comparing The House on Haunted Hill and The Haunting Movies

The House on Haunted Hill (1999) is a chilling tale that will keep anyone up at night.  The Haunting (1999) is a heart-pounding story of fear providing a number of suspenseful screams. Both of these movies feature strikingly similar themes, settings, propaganda and even cast.  Sincerely capitalizing on the “haunted house” genre, these two films released a matter of months apart! Although each film has its own loyal fan base, there are clear similarities and differences which cannot be ignored.  Here are some of the biggest comparison notes between the two haunted house movies.

Similarities Between The House on Haunted Hill and The Haunting

Many horror fans have asked, “How is The House on Haunted Hill the same as The Haunting?” And the truth is, there are obviously many similarities between the two hit blockbusters.  Here are some of the most obvious, as well as some of the more interesting similarities Horror Enthusiast found when comparing the two movies…

Haunted Houses

Obviously it is impossible to list similarities without mentioning that both movies are about a haunted house.  Both titles even share a variation of the word “Haunt.”  This was not a coincidence, however, a tip of the hat to the 1950s novel by Shirley Jackson, turned film, The Haunting of Hill House (1959).  Both movies are loosely about a haunted mansion, a behemoth-style house.

Victims Were Invited

In The House on Haunted Hill, the guests are invited to attend a party thrown at the mansion by famous, wealthy entrepreneur Steven Price.  Although the house actually changed the celebrity-invites to seemingly ‘no name’ people, they were invited nonetheless! 

In The Haunting, the guests are invited to take part of an insomnia study hosted at the mansion by Dr. David Marrow.  Although the guests all believe they are there to help resolve insomnia, Dr. Marrow’s true intensions are to observe the participants’ response to fear. And in a truly terrifying mansion, there is plenty of fear to go around!

Two Survivors

The House on Haunted Hill allows for two survivors, Sara Wolfe and Eddie Baker (a female and a male survivor).

The Haunting allows for two survivors as well, Theo and also Doctor David Marrow (again a female and a male survive).

House Seals Itself

Both haunted mansion thrillers feature a house that is able to seal itself, leaving the survivors trapped inside to face the doom and evil with seemingly no way to escape.

A Supreme Evil & Tortured Ghosts

In The House on Haunted Hill, the merciless Dr Richard Benjamin Vannacutt is responsible for the torture and sadistic experiments on his psychiatric patients, who in turn haunt the mansion and its medical catacombs. The psychiatric patients are victims in themselves, although they haunt the house and all its guests.

In The Haunting, an ominous ghost and original mansion owner Hugh Crane terrorizes and kills children, trapping them in the house for all of eternity.  And although Crane is the true evil, the enslaved children also haunt the guests of Hill House.

Locked In Overnight

Despite the house’s ability in each movie to fully lock-down and secure the victims within the premises on its own…the guests all willfully sign up for a night’s stay. In fact, all guests in both movies understand the gates are to be locked overnight.  The survivors are forced to make it all night until the gates are re-opened by a gatekeeper or otherwise the next morning at sunrise.

Male Organizer

Both horror films feature a strong male lead role who orchestrates the entire experience. In The House on Haunted Hill, Steven Price arranges a birthday bash for his wife, inviting the guests to partake in the fun.  While The Haunting is about Dr Marrow’s invites his guests to aide his investigation into fear.

Differences Between the House on Haunted Hill and the Haunting

A true haunted house movie fan would ask “How is the House on Haunted Hill different from the Haunting?” as these two movies are creepily similar (as noted above).  Fear not, however, Horror Enthusiast has identified a number of differences when comparing the two haunted house movies! Here are some of the easiest, as well as more elusive differences…

Successful Entrepreneur vs Experimental Doctor

It is true that both lead male roles, also responsible for the accommodations to begin with, are successful, powerful individuals who are able to rent the entire haunted mansion themselves.  However, there is an obvious difference in that Steven Price is renting the house on haunted hill for entertainment-based puposes, while Dr Marrow is renting his haunted house for a psychological experiment.

Sympathetic Help From The Other Side

Both movies have groups of horrifying ghosts lurking within the walls of the mansions.  One big difference, however, is that many of the ghosts in The Haunting (the children namely), turn out to help the protagonists survive. The ghosts that haunt The House on Haunted Hill are all just as threatening and scary as Dr Vannacutt himself.

Human Threats

The House on Haunted Hill is a complex movie, cascading story lines upon one another to create an interwoven, truly scary tale.  In this movie, there are a number of suspected threats that are human based, making the hauntings of the house that much scarier…as no one knows what is real! The Haunting is purely a supernatural fear, though, still arguably just as scary to some!

CGI vs Psychological Thriller

Sure, both movies have their fair amount of CGI, but it’s obvious that The Haunting relied much more on it’s CGI visual effects to scare than The House on Haunted Hill.  There is definitely a difference in how the two movies choose to invoke fear…and is a perfect highlight as to how two very different movies can be made with nearly the same story line and setting.

Insane Asylum vs Private Mansion

The House on Haunted Hill takes place in a mansion-looking property resting high on a hill that was previously Vannacutt Psychiatric Institute for the Criminally Insane. This is a place where horrific medical experiments were performed on patients.  The patients got loose, killed everyone and the place burned, lock down mechanism initiated. 

The Haunting sets the scene in a beautifully constructed and decorated mansion that was built for Baron Hugh Crain and his wife. It was their dream to have a large family of children.  Unfortunately, they would never have any children, only evil which spawned and haunts the house forever.

Release Date

Although the two movies are very similar, they chose release dates about 3 months apart.  The Haunting was released first on July 23rd, 1999.  The House on Haunted Hill secured the more prestigious spot for a horror movie…right before Halloween being released on October 29th, 1999.

Movie Budget

Neither of these films performed very well, and probably made a lot of people really upset (despite becoming cult classics and horror fan favorites, especially The House on Haunted Hill). The starting budget, however, was hugely different between the films.

The House on Haunted Hill had an estimated budget of $37,000,000. It ended up earning $40,846,082 in the United States.

The Haunting had a tremendously large estimated budget of $80,000,000, nearly double its competitor!  In the end, The Haunting only raked in $91,411,151…still rather slim earnings for such a huge investment!

Fun Fact: It is no wonder The Haunting had a budget nearly double the size of The House on Haunted Hill…as the crew members of almost every department (art, makeup, visual effects, special effects, stunts, sound, etc), were nearly double!

Final Comparison Notes: Haunting vs Haunted Hill Movies

Despite the amazing similarities between the two films, there are obviously more than enough differences to warrant two unique viewing experiences.  Interestingly enough, they each have developed their own cult-fan clubs. And while both of these haunted house thrillers are based upon a more than 50 year old novel, they are both frightening and paved their own places in horror movie history. 

Which Horror Movie Killer Has The Most Kills?

Lifestyle Scary Movies and Series

Horror Movie Slasher With The Highest Body Count

Tracking Horror Movie Villain Body Counts

We’ve all seen it…the survivor is taking a break, resting behind a tree. Their warm breaths pouting in the brisk, fall-time air.  As the survivor pants, trying to catch their breath, a machete emerges out of their stomach from the other side of the tree!

How many victims has your favorite horror movie slasher claimed? With so many movies out there and so many deaths…how can anyone keep up? Indeed, there are a lot of horror movie slashers out there with some pretty high body counts! Thus, Horror Enthusiast brings you the bonafide, official body count for your favorite horror slashers.

Horror Movie Slasher Body Count

Everyone has their favorite horror movie slasher, however, the favorite does not always have the highest kill count.  Having the highest body count does not necessarily mean stronger, faster, or more powerful…only that the killer has claimed the most victims.  Here is the official list of the highest horror movie slasher body count!

So, Which horror movie slasher has killed the most victims? Let’s take a look!

Jason Voorhees, 146 kills

From the Friday the 13th Franchise

Killer Highlights: 12 movies (including Freddy vs Jason), Machete Master, Loves to Camp!

The Friday the 13th killer takes spot #1 on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count! Jason’s body count is one of the most controversial as well, however, as many sources would easily argue Jason’s body count much higher.  This is because many people attribute his mother’s killings in the first movie, along with several other accidents and anomalies as Jason kills.  The true kill count at 146, is still really high and places him at the top of the list!

Michael Myers, 111 kills

From the Halloween Franchise

Killer Highlights: 9 movies (not present in Halloween III: Season of the Witch), Knifing Lunatic, Hates His Family!

This slasher was made famous in the Halloween franchise, chasing his family and killing anyone in his way.  Unfortunately for the small town of Haddonfield, a lot of people got in his way, helping Michael Myers secure the #2 spot on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!  Michael’s body count is generally uncontested, as his slayings are pretty clean, and almost everyone understands that he is the killer.

Jigsaw (aka John Kramer), 60 kills

From the Saw Franchise

Killer Highlights: 8 movies (kills even after he is dead), Mechanical Genius, Abhors Wasted Potential!

John Kramer is a “break out” killer, in that he lived a mostly normal life until he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. After the diagnosis, he was never the same and decided to leave behind a legacy that would save as many hopeless lives as possible.  Only Jigsaw would end up killing more people than he would ever save, making him the #3 most deadly killer on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!

Angela Baker, 55 kills

From the Sleepaway Camp Franchise

Killer Highlights: 6 movies, First Gender Change Killer, A “Just” Killer.

Society may not agree with Sleepaway Camp horror murderer Angela Baker’s killings; however, Angela herself believed the campers deserved to be punished based upon their behavior.  Although she may be one of the more boring killers, not outfit with any awesome attire, she is most definitely one of the most deadly, ranking in at 4th most deadly slasher on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!

Ghostface, 49 kills

From the Scream Franchise

Killer Highlights: 4 movies (and a TV series), Famous Stalker, Multiple Killer Identities.

Ghostface is the only killer change identities throughout the franchise (as the killer is revealed within each movie).  Ghostface uses a voice changer, ghost-like mask, black cloak and a scary looking dagger to stalk and haunt his victims until their inevitable death. Some die faster than others, however, many people have been slain, as Ghostface locks in the 5th most deadly slasher on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!  Very impressive for only 4 feature films!

Victor Crowley, 47 kills

From the Hatchet Franchise

Killer Highlights: 4 movies, Hatchet Wielding, Swampland Slasher.

The Hatchet franchise is a really interesting horror series. The movies are produced in more recent years…but feature an old school-like horror feel similar to the 80s slashers everyone has enjoyed. Victor Crowley, a deformed swamp-dwelling killer, has claimed the lives of 47 misplaced or stranded travelers who have wandered into his swamp.  Victor lacks the same infamy as his horror counterparts, however, with time, the legend of his killings will make a claim to fame.

Lubdan the Leprechaun, 45 kills

From the Leprechaun Franchise

Killer Highlights: 7 movies, Magic-Wielding Immortal, Greedy Gold Loving Killer.

Lubdan is the little ugly, green slasher from the Leprechaun movies who loves playing with his gold.  In fact, he loves his gold so much, he has killed for it countless times!  Lubdan is often underestimated as his franchise was much less popular than some of the other slashers on the list. Still, he has taken out many more victims than some of the most respectable villains in horror, coming in towards the top of the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!

Freddy Krueger, 42 kills

From the Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise

Killer Highlights: 9 movies, “Knives for Fingers,” Nightmare-Dream Killer.

Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, has been one of the coldest killers of them all. His reign of terror started in the fabled house on Elm Street. Freddy loves to taunt his victims, often high school children, before harvesting their souls for all of eternity.  Most horror fans believe Freddy’s body count is higher, however, Freddy considers the hunt more exciting than the kill itself, dragging his victims deaths out much longer than his slasher peers.

Chucky, 38 kills

From the Child’s Play Franchise

Killer Highlights: 7 movies, Sold as a Children’s Toy, Supernaturally Possessed Doll.

The Child’s Play villain, Chucky, is really serial killer Charles Lee Ray.  Charles used a little voodoo to possess the doll in order to avoid the fate of the law.  While a Good Guy Doll may be only a few feet tall at best, Chucky’s kill count is more respectable than some pretty evil villains, and he most certainly has earned his fair share!

Pinhead, 35 kills

From the Hellraiser Franchise

Killer Highlights: 9 movies, Supernatural Powers, Extradimensional Traveling Demon.

Pinhead is one of the most powerful of all the horror movie slashers, and he is also ranked as one of the smartest of all horror movie killers. And with 9 movies, surely a horror movie villain would have an opportunity to really rake in the kills!  That said, it is shame that Pinhead has only claimed 35 kills in his horror movie career! Especially considering he has traveled so far to get here…

Leatherface, 31 kills

From the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise

Killer Highlights: 9 movies, Wears Masks Made of the Faces of Victims, Chainsaw-Wielding Butcher.

Most of the time, Leatherface is pretty happy minding his own business and keeping to himself.  He has a lot of toys and gadgets he likes to play with.  Still, his family demands he hunt for dinner and he is most definitely the family’s most qualified butcher. Thus, Leatherface still rakes in a 31 kill career across his 9 Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies.

Hannibal Lecter, 23 kills

From the Hannibal Franchise

Killer Highlights: 5 movies, Super Intelligent, Cannibal Serial Killer.

Hannibal Lecter is one of the smartest horror movie killers to rack up an on-screen body count. Hannibal, like Freddy Krueger, prefers to take his time with his victims…dragging each death out much longer than a normal horror slasher.  As entertaining as Hannibal’s killings may be, he still clocks in a respectable 23 kills throughout his horror movie career.

The Candy Man, 22 kills

From the Candyman Franchise

Killer Highlights: 3 movies, Hook-Wielding, Urban Legend Slasher.

The Candy Man, by legend, has to be summoned in order for the slaughter to begin.  And although the Candy Man might come in rather low on the list of Horror Movie Slasher Body Counts, he most certainly does not rank lowest in show, as he has a very respectable ‘kill per movie’ ratio!

Jaws, 21 kills

From the Jaws Franchise

Killer Highlights: 4 movies, Water-Dwelling, Great White Swimming Death Machine.

Jaws has never had a problem finding prey in his waters.  Jaws has only starred in 4 movies, but still has found a way to chomp through 21 victims…leaving a legend behind that is even bigger than himself!

Norman Bates, 20 kills

From the Psycho Franchise

Killer Highlights: 6 movies, Hotel Owner, Psychopathic Inn Keeper.

The original psycho movie dates back to 1960, making Norman Bates the oldest killer on the list, even with his last movie a ripe couple decades back.  Interestingly enough, Norman is the only killer on this list who is a business owner and has thus officially made his business “killing”!

The Creeper, 20 kills

From the Jeepers Creepers Franchise

Killer Highlights: 3 movies, Loves Driving a Rusty Truck, Ancient Creature Killer.

The Creeper is one of the only “ancient” killers to grace the horror genre.  Still, he has claimed a high number of victims per movie, and it would be considered bad luck to run into him.

And The Kills Continue On…

While there may be rumors that some of these horror slashers are deceased and never coming back, many of the horror movie villains listed above are still alive and well to this very day. And despite the number of kills some of these horror slashers have claimed, their movies will continue to be made. No one seems to care, as production continues to go on! The body count for some of the most favorite killers, in fact, will likely rise for decades to come. 

Do you feel we have missed someone? If you would like to see your killer added to the list, comment below and we will rank them accordingly!

How to Escape Jason Voorhees If You Were In a Movie

Lifestyle Scary Movies and Series

Would You Escape a Real Life Jason Voorhees?

What If Jason Voorhees Was Chasing You?

Jason Voorhees is one tough killer to survive! He is notorious for his hockey mask and machete and holds the highest horror slasher kill count of all horror movie villains to date! The movies tell us that a real life Jason Voorhees chase would be terrifying and very hard to survive! Do you think you could survive Jason Voorhees? Take the Jason Voorhees Survival Quiz and find out today!

Would You Survive Jason Voorhees In Real Life?

Horror Enthusiast has determined the likelihood of your survival in a real life Jason Voorhees chase based upon your score of Jason Voorhees Survival Points.  Jason Voorhees Survival Points can be earned from making favorable escape decisions versus being lost when making a less than favorable decision.

You start out with Zero (0) points.

By tallying up your score at the end of this quiz, you will be able to determine whether you would be able to escape a real life Jason Voorhees, or drown at the bottom of Crystal Lake!

Weapon to Use Against Jason Voorhees

There have been many ways characters have tried to defend themselves against the horror behemoth.  Some methods have done more damage than others.  Still, characters that do not maintain a vigilant mindset about defending themselves throughout the film, almost always meet their demise rather early after encountering Jason. Some weapon choices will be rewarded with an increased chance of survival, while others receive a penalty.  You may only choose one weapon, or none.

  • If you would attempt to shoot Jason Voorhees with a shotgun, add 9 points to your score.
  • If you would attempt to stab Jason Voorhees with a knife, add 5 points to your score.
  • If you would attempt to wrestle Jason’s machete free from him, add 6 points to your score.
  • If you would attempt to use the environment as a weapon, dropping a heavy object onto his head, add 15 points to your score.
  • If you would attempt to use a baseball bat or other blunt force object against Jason, add 5 points to your score.
  • If you choose to avoid an encounter, and never choose a weapon, do not modify your score.

Hiding Place When Running From Jason Voorhees

Jason is a fast-paced killer, and when he’s got you in his sights…it is typically a good idea to keep moving! However, there are still many opportunities to duck out on Jason in order to recover your energy.  Most of the time, choosing a quick hiding place to recuperate is an essential part of successfully escaping Jason Voorhees. Where would you hide to catch your breath? You may only choose one hiding place, or none.

  • If you would choose to hide in Crystal Lake, add 2 points to your score.
  • If you would choose to hide underneath a cabin, add 10 points to your score.
  • If you would try to hide behind a tree, add 7 points to your score.
  • If you would choose to hide inside a cabin, add 5 points to your score
  • If you would choose to hide in a cornfield, add 5 points to your score.
  • If you choose never to hide from Jason, at any point, do not modify your score.

Escape Routes to Escape Jason Voorhees

There are not many ways to reliably survive a Jason Voorhees encounter. Still, some survivors will tell you that it more than certainly can be done!  If you select one of the correct escape routes, you will see a much better chance of surviving your ‘killer’ encounter! You may only choose one escape option.

  • If you would be willing to try and psychologically outwit Jason, convincing him you are his mother in order to escape, add 10 points to your score if you are male OR 15 points to your score if you are female.
  • If you would be willing to fight Jason, one one one, in order to escape by attempting to destroy Jason via gunfire, explosives or bombs, add 15 points to your score.
  • If you would be willing to fight Jason, one on one, in order to escape by attempting to dismember him, add 18 points to your score.
  • If you would be willing to attempt escape by way of canoe, add 10 points to your score.
  • If you would choose to run through the woods, add 8 points to your score.
  • If you would choose to swim through Crystal Lake to make your escape, add 2 points to your score.

Ways to Die Against Jason Voorhees

If you are looking to survive a real life Jason Voorhees chase, you will want to avoid making one of these frequently-made mistakes.  Remember, one small mistake against a brute like Jason, could mean the end of your life!

Lake House Vacationing

So many victims have fallen to Jason Voorhees simply because they choose to take a beautiful summer vacation at the lake house.  Jason always hunts his prey best during summertime!

If you would be found enjoying a ‘lake house summer vacation’ with your friends, subtract 20 points from your score.

Joking Around

Jason does not tolerate any type of disrespect.  If someone is making fun of him, taunting him or otherwise irritating him, his natural instinct is to kill them as soon as possible. Some victims have mistaken him for harmless, or even tried to talk to him before losing their life. And those who do not move at all typically die fastest.

If you are the type to freeze up, make jokes or otherwise try to befriend your bully, subtract 15 points from your score.

Going Swimming

When survivors go swimming, they are notoriously vulnerable in horror films (especially in the slasher genre).  Everyone knows that you do not go swimming when Jason’s at the party.  Jason may be afraid of water and drowning, but the death rate for survivors who have entered Crystal Lake, is too high to ever suggest going for a swim.

If you would go skinny dipping, bask on a floatable, or otherwise take a plunge in Crystal Lake, subtract 15 points from your score.

Getting Drunk

A lot of the victims Jason has slain have been partying beforehand.  If there is booze around, then it’s a pretty good sign that there is enough irresponsibility present for Jason to wreak extreme horror havoc.  Alcohol also naturally reduces one’s ability to defend themselves in a horror slasher.

If you would find yourself drunk at a party, simply subtract 10 points from your score without complaining.

Walking Alone at Night

One of the worst ways to go in a horror movie, is alone. And in the Friday the 13th movies, Jason Voorhees loves to stalk those who walk alone at night. In fact, those who go it alone have an extremely low survival rate.  Remember, always use the buddy system!

If you would choose to walk alone at night, even from one cabin to another for a quick moment, subtract 20 points from your score.

Having Intercourse

It is never good to have intercourse in a horror slasher film. In order to survive as a survivor, one’s hormones must be suppressed throughout the duration of the movie.  If you choose to have sex, even if you use a condom, you will still be risking your life at Camp Crystal Lake!

If you would choose to be intimate while at a lake house, subtract 15 points from your score.

Did You Survive Jason Voorhees?

Time to tally up your Jason Voorhees Survival Points to determine whether or not you would survive a real life encounter with Jason.



0 to 9 points………… SLIM CHANCE OF SURVIVAL

-9 to -1 points……… PROBABLY DEAD ON ARRIVAL

-24 to -10 points……DEFINITE DEATH


Jason is not easy to survive when he gets his mitts on you. If you failed to survive, keep in mind he’s got the highest kill count of all the horror slashers to date, and thus he has a lot of experience hacking and slashing!

Who Became Famous From the Halloween Movies?

Scary Movies and Series

Famous Actors and Actresses that Started In the Halloween Franchise

The Michael Myers Halloween films date back to 1978 and have featured some pretty radical kill scenes…however, there were some truly talented actors and actresses who got their big break from starring in one of these horror slashers.  The franchise was such a success, right from the start, that it spawned success that would be experienced across a number of careers! Check out some of the biggest winners from the horror favorite that is the Halloween franchise.

Actors Made Famous From Starring in the Halloween Movies

Jamie Lee Curtis

As a horror movie icon from her time spent as Laurie Strode in 7 of the 13 Halloween movies (including the in-production 2018 film), she cannot be ignored as a clear number one winner emerging from the franchise. Jamie’s first role of any real notoriety absolutely boils down to the first Halloween movie in 1978.  She put on a fantastic performance fleeing her brother back then, and has since graced the horror franchise with her presence in subsequent chases throughout the years. Jamie Lee Curtis’ character might be one of the only people able to truly understand, control, trap or otherwise kill her famed Halloween-killing brother, Michael Myers.

Josh Hartnett

Josh got pretty good traction in the horror genre, and specifically was very positively received in Halloween H20: 20 Years Later. Playing John, the son of Laurie Strode, he is one of the prime targets when Michael Myers returns to wreak havoc! Josh and Jamie have a seemingly instinctual dynamic between them that makes their mother-son relationship in the movie feel extremely natural and real.  Honestly, Josh does so well that it is pretty unbelievable that Halloween was his first feature film.

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe

Like Josh Hartnett, Jodi Lyn O’Keefe’s first hollywood movie credit rests well with Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998).  Jodi Lyn plays Sarah, who suffers one of the most terrifying deaths of all of the Halloween movies, including the use of a dumbwaiter!  Sarah’s character may not have survived the entire flick, but her death was not in vain…for Jodi Lyn’s performance would launch the successful career she enjoys today.

Tony Moran

The first actor to play Michael Myers in the Halloween original (1978), was Tony Moran.  Although he would receive a small amount of work throughout the following few decades, it seems the last few years have been much better to Tony.  Perhaps he is finally getting the recognition he deserves for his stellar performance as one of the first most horrific slashers, who changed the horror genre forever!

Nancy Stephens

Crazy Dr Loomis’ nurse, Marion can be found in 3 of the Halloween films. Before the 1978 Halloween hit, Nancy would only achieve success in TV…making Halloween her break out movie role!  She reprises her role in Halloween II (1981) and again in Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998). Unfortunately, Marion is killed off rather early in the beginning of the 1998 film, along with the explained death of Dr Loomis.  Still, Nancy died with dignity and put on a heck of a show!

LL Cool J

It is true that LL Cool J had a small handful of roles before Halloween H20…however, many attribute his break out “on-screen” role to Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998). LL Cool J played a likable protagonist (Ronny), an inspiring erotic novelist working as a very convincing security guard.  He almost gets murdered by Michael and narrowly escapes an almost fatal accident to end up surviving! After the experience, Ronny decides to write a romantic thriller.

Larisa Miller

Larisa also received her first feature film role in Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998), like many others. She played Claudia, who barely survives an encounter with Michael Myers while taking her daughter to the bathroom in the beginning of the movie. She would go on to have a small bit of success in TV, however, must have chosen to retire after 2007…despite a career seemingly on the uprise from her part in the movie.

Other Hollywood Icons and Legends Who Got Their Start in Halloween

John Carpenter

John Carpenter is an extremely talented individual, contributing a number of credits to so many titles throughout his career. He even contributed to the Halloween soundtrack, writing the main theme song to Halloween that still makes the audience tremble today.  It is more than arguable that Halloween could have been Carpenter’s true break out role as a director…as it is much more widely known than his only real prior hit, Assault on Precinct 13.  And Carpenter, without a doubt, was the spine of the original Halloween movie.

Rick Rosenthal

Another famous director responsible for a lot of hits that are enjoyed today, Rick Rosenthal, got his big feature film break directing a Halloween film.  Rosenthal was responsible for Halloween II, which is amazing considering the success of the first film and Rosenthal only having a single episode of TV as experience in directing. Regardless, he would produce an incredible scare that has been admired for years to come that is the first sequel in the hit horror franchise.

Final Notes About the Halloween Franchise

It would not be right to address famous actors and actresses getting a big break from the Halloween movies without mentioning the actor who famously played Dr Loomis.  Donald Pleasence is a huge part of the story line and suspenseful drama throughout the movies.  While Donald was widely known and quite famous before assuming the role of the demented killer’s mental doctor…there is no questioning his notoriety and glory living on larger and more vibrant than ever through the Halloween films.

There is absolutely no doubt that the horror franchise, especially the slasher sub-genre, would ever be the same without the influence from the Halloween franchise horror films.   Each person played their part (pun intended), creating the legend the still haunts the screen on the occasional Halloween. And while Michael Myers may be immortal through his on-screen terror, he could not have done it alone.  Without the collaborated effort of all the crew and cast involved in the making of the Halloween movies, these movies simply would not be the polished horror we know them as today!

What Personality Type is Michael Myers, Myers-Briggs.

Scary Movies and Series

Horror Slasher Personality Type: Michael Myers

The famously silent Halloween horror slasher, Michael Myers, has been mentally probed and analyzed for decades (both within his movies and also by real life psychologists).  And up until recently, there has only been generalized speculation, rather than factual analysis; Thus, Horror Enthusiast has broken down the specifics of Michael’s personality to come up with the most accurate Myers-Briggs personality type possible for the killer.  After all of his killings, he deserves a proper personality assessment!

What Myers-Briggs Personality Type Would Michael Myers Have?

Michael Myers is an INT-J Myers-Briggs personality type.

There are a lot of factors to consider when determining Michael Myers’ Myers-Briggs personality type.  These broken down personality traits have contributed to his suspected personality type.

A Quiet Killer

Michael Myers is notoriously mute. Unlike other horror movie slashers, who often enjoy taunting their victims, Michael prefers not to speak to anyone, killing or not. His withdraw from the world and quiet-like characteristics greatly contribute to his personality type, and especially the fact he is an introvert (hence the “I,” in his personality type).

Inward Delusions

The masked killer is highly interested in one thing and one thing only: seeking out his family for intense therapeutic killings. He is hardly concerned with the rest of the world and usually slays anyone in his way without hesitation.  Most importantly though: he only seeks out the one thing he wants and is concerned with: killing his family. Michael’s inner delusions also contribute to the “I” (Introversion) in his personality type.

Michael Lacks Strategy

Michael may stalk his victim, he may chase his victim, and he may kill his victim…but his strategies are left lacking.  He is often outsmarted by his victims several times before he gets his hands on them long enough to kill. He probably spends far too much time thinking about the overall goal of slaying his sister or other family members…leaving him more impulsive in the present.  Although it’s a close call between “S” sensing or “N” intuition, Horror Enthusiast speculates Michael relies on his intuition more than his factual judgment of situations, contributing to his score as an “N” Intuitive.

A Little Unrealistic

Ultimately there are many survivors in the Halloween movies, meaning Michael sets his goals a little too high! In fact, his plans for killing are often so simple it’s a wonder how any of them work out. Expecting to take out anyone standing in the way of a heroine in any horror movie, is typically unrealistic…as they always bring out the big guns towards the end of all the films.  Yet he keeps coming back based on inner desire to kill, further locking into place the score of “N” Intuition.

Singular Thoughts

Many speculate that Michael has no compassion, including Dr Loomis himself. Many (both on screen and off screen) have also speculated that Michael is not even human, or capable of human emotions.  He does not seem to care about any of his family, less for a few scenes here and there (most notably reaching out for his sister before she decapitates him in Halloween H20: 20 Years Later [1998]).  Ultimately, these very few instances of empathy do nothing for his overwhelming identification as a “T” Thinker.

Problem Solver

Although he may be a little mentally slower than other horror movie slashers, Michael is still a problem solver. When he is met with a defiant victim, someone who is willing to defend themselves, he is systematic in his ensuring their definite death.  Michael has a way to break through any barrier, get through any door, and is even willing to hijack and drive cars to get what he wants…contributing to his ranking as a “T” Thinker.

Down to Business

Michael Myers does not waste time when pursuing a victim. He will stalk his victim until the time is right for killing.  He kills as quickly as possible and hates to play games. His energy is consistent in pursuing his victims and his kills, methodically fatal…in fact, he rarely leaves any time for suffering.  This ‘down to business’ mentality contributes to Michael’s final letter ranking as “J” Judging.

Robotic Nature

Michael enjoys things being decided and is a very structured, task-oriented killer.  Regardless of his emotional impulses to kill, he still procures everything necessary to do so, even vehicles when necessary. He also seems to understand the importance of killing in the order that eliminates the greatest threat first.  His robotic-like movement throughout the film (meant to describe his choice of actions, rather than his actual on-screen movement) are a huge part of Michael’s “J” Judging rank.

Final Mental Health Notes on Michael Myers

Michael Myers may exhibit many personality traits, but his more dominant characteristics as a quiet, obsessed, down-to-business systematic killer are what award him the INT-J personality type. This type of personality has made him much harder to catch, as he is very determined to see through his goals, always at any cost. Still, regardless of his personality type, Michael has become a horror icon and his on screen killings will be applauded for years to come!

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