Who is the Voice of Billy the Puppet From Saw? [Saw Facts]

Scary Movies and Series

Is the Voice of Billy the Puppet Familiar?

The scary little tricycle riding puppet from the Saw movies, more formally known as ‘Billy the Puppet’ is one of the most terrifying props used throughout the franchise.  His oversized head and creepy eyes let the Saw victims and the audience know that danger is imminent. Usually Billy is around to explain to the victims why they are in the trap to begin with and the general rules of the game.  He also tells people how to survive the games.  James Wan (the original Saw director) did a great job making the puppet from scratch himself.  However, many Saw fans still want to know, who plays Billy the Puppet as far as casting goes (what real life actor is credited with Billy the Puppet)? Who is the Billy the Puppet voice in Saw?

Tobin Bell Voices Billy the Puppet

Billy the Puppet is very diabolical in appearance. But the news the puppet has to relay is much scarier! That said, the actual voice used for the puppet to speak to the victims about the traps they are in…is all Tobin! He is the complete villain package, both playing the vigilante-style sympathetic killer that is John Kramer (the Jigsaw killer), as well as being able to voice his own accomplice-puppet!

Tobin Bell is a very talented actor. Whether he is showing face on the screen itself or simply loaning his voice, he knows how to captivate the audience with the power of his presence. He is without a doubt the PERFECT Jigsaw slasher for the Saw movies! And Billy the Puppet has been an excellent partner to Jigsaw.  They are truly a very good fit, and thus, it is only appropriate that the Saw puppet is voiced by Tobin himself.

Final Notes About Billy the Puppet

Rusty wheels on a little red tricycle. White gloves to match an eerie white, humanoid-like face. Black unkempt hair and a mechanical mouth that moves as the killer speaks.  Billy the Puppet stands out as one of the most horrifying props used by a horror movie killer to date!  And it even has the scariest voice to match…thanks to Tobin Bell, the voice of Billy the Puppet!


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