Anyone can
practice voodoo in New Orleans—embraced by people no matter their race, creed,
or origin—there are no standard worship practices, in this flexible and
inclusive spiritual and religious practice. A religion so immersed in mystery, voodoo
is often mistaken for something much more sinister. First introduced to the
United States through the repugnant practice of slavery, it originated from the
Fon people of West Africa and was then intermixed with European cultural
influences, as well as Native American herbalism and spiritual practices.
In Denise Alvarado’s The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook, it’s explained that voodoo and hoodoo are not the same, despite the how often they are confused for one another. Incredibly complementary in nature, voodoo and hoodoo in New Orleans are melded together in a practice endearingly referred to as voodoo hoodoo, something that is distinct to the region—elsewhere, voodoo is strictly a religion and hoodoo is strictly a folk magic practice. New Orleans is a mixing pot—multiple cultures converging together, the influences of voodoo are so incredibly diverse that it’s no wonder why those who aren’t involved in the religion would be confused about the whole thing.
Well, here is where the confusion clears—like it was mentioned before, voodoo is a religion, while hoodoo is a practice. Voodoo practitioners believe in a single supreme creator, known as Bondye, which in French Creole stands for “good god.” There is no mention of only good or only evil beings in the religion—instead it is a practice that embraces the good and bad in all situations, where spirits known as the loa act as messengers for Bondye. Despite there being a single god, the loa, also known as lwa, are the ones that practitioners communicate with. Frequently likened to the saints in Catholicism, there is a loa to contact in regards to nearly every aspect of normal life.
Popular media insists that New Orleans voodoo is an ominous, evil tradition—this is based on the demonization of the unique practices within the religion. During the reign of the infamous Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, Marie Laveau, the use of voodoo dolls came into common use, like gris gris (gree-gree), as a form of talismanic magic. There is an odd tradition of depicting voodoo dolls are objects of revenge—ways for malevolent practitioners to send destruction and pain into the lives of their targets. The majority of Voodoo practitioners have been actively working against this negative media presence, showing that most voodoo dolls are centered on healing, finding true love, and obtaining spiritual guidance. Just like Marie Laveau, it seeks to help those in need—to feed the hungry, help the poor, and curing ailments such as anxiety, addictions, depression, and loneliness are mainstays of this religion.
Photography by Christian Grecu
All in all, it seems that those who are a part of the voodoo religion actually prefer to keep their beliefs and practices to themselves, you won’t find any legitimate practitioners displaying their rituals in public, as this would be considered disrespectful to the spirits. This is fair, considering the amount of public bile that spills over into their culture whenever it is brought to light anywhere else in the United States. Privacy is often more pleasant than negativity when it comes to personal beliefs.
Georgia-based author and artist, Mary has been a horror aficionado since the mid-2000s. Originally a hobby artist and writer, she found her niche in the horror industry in late 2019 and hasn’t looked back since. Mary’s evolution into a horror expert allowed her to express herself truly for the first time in her life. Now, she prides herself on indulging in the stuff of nightmares.
Mary also moonlights as a content creator across multiple social media platforms—breaking down horror tropes on YouTube, as well as playing horror games and broadcasting live digital art sessions on Twitch.
Gay Rights and Gay Subtext In A Nightmare On Elm Street 2 (1985)
The Nightmare On Elm Street franchise is one of the most well-known horror brands of all time. Freddy Krueger is infamous for slashing his way through his victims starting in the famous house on Elm Street, leaving some of the most gruesome trails behind. But there is an anomaly present within the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. The second movie in the series, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985), seems much different than the rest of the films…much much different indeed! As fans have pointed out, the gay subtext throughout the second film in the franchise is absolutely undeniable!
Obviously this has left many fans wondering…did the creators of the second Nightmare On Elm Street movie purposely lace the script and movie with gay subtext to help combat or exploit the widespread homophobia of the era?
Often Dubbed One of the Gayest Horror Movies Ever Made
There is no question that the second Nightmare On Elm Street movie is filled with gay subtext. Here are some of the most well known gay inclusions that created the most “homoerotic” horror movie of all time!
A Closeted Protagonist
Mark Patton played Jesse Walsh, the main male protagonist in the story. Patton is openly gay today, but was still ‘in the closet’ at the time the Nightmare movie was filmed. Many of the creators of the film have suggested it could have played a part in the film harboring some ‘repressed homosexuality coming out.’
A Little Male On Male Bonding
During a gym class scene, Grady decides to “depants” Jesse. Jesse chooses to cope with his embarrassment by remaining bare-assed while he tackles and wrestles with Grady on the ground. Jesse is obviously trying to remove Grady’s clothes in this scene for whatever reason.
“Probe” Board Game
The board game “Probe” was placed in Jesse’s closet. Literally in his closet. Ultimately, sadly, it could have been making fun of Patton, who at the time was choosing to remain ‘in the closet’ regarding his homosexuality during the production of the film.
He’d Rather Sleep With Grady
At one point, Jesse is getting it on with his ‘girlfriend’ Lisa, who seems to want to sleep with Jesse. Jesse panics, runs to Grady’s house, where he wishes to sleep instead. Grady himself indicates that it is strange that Jesse does not want to sleep with Lisa, but instead with him.
Attack of the Balls
Balls, that’s right, actual balls attack Coach Schneider in his office…flying out of their containers and respective bins seemingly on their own. Tennis balls, basketballs, soccer balls, all kinds of balls. Balls, everywhere. Some fans have suggested this was a reference to testicles and count it as gay subtext.
A Gay Conspiracy
Rumors had surfaced nearly instantly about a conspiracy to riddle the plot with gay subtext that would be acknowledged by the audience, but still be deniable. David Chaskin is a Freddy’s Revenge screenwriter who denied including planned gay subtext throughout the film for a really long time (decades of denial). Chaskin finally began to admit that the gay subtext was planned only in recent years. When questioned as to why he remained silent, he revealed that it felt like his film was being “outed” and he was unsure how he felt, and so he kept quiet. Ultimately Chaskin admitted to having long thoughts about the homophobia stigma at the time and how he could work a script that would cause the cast, and ultimately the audience, to question their sexuality.
Similarly, the director of the box office hit, Jack Sholder, claimed he had no knowledge of planned gay subtext for a really long time. Still there were many rumors floating around about Sholder very well understanding the movie was fostering some gay themes. In modern days, Sholder absolutely acknowledges the gay subtext throughout the film, but still denies having realized it during production. Sholder also claims to not have known Mark Patton was gay at the time of production (Patton was indeed still in the closet).
“No Chicks” Allowed
A sign posted on the outside of Jesse’s room at the Walsh residence upstairs basically reads “NO CHICKS.” Whether this was done intentionally or not, it is hard to miss and hard not to associate with gay subtext. What senior high school boy isn’t interested in chicks being in his room…besides a gay one? Try to remember: in the 80s, there was a ton of homophobia, and it was really hard to come out, so this type of sign meant a lot more back then!
A Man Is Trying to Get Inside Of Me!
All throughout the film, Jesse is concerned with a man that is “trying to get inside” of him. While this may be innocent in scripting sense, one cannot deny how closely it mimics some of society’s most popular dirty talk.
A Sexually Confused Protagonist
Although the actual real life actor who played Jesse is gay, the character Jesse also seems to be troubled as far as his sexual orientation is concerned. Jesse seems reserved when it comes to his ‘girlfriend’ and almost unwilling to participate in their relationship. He seems more eager to hang out with his bully/friend and sports jock, Ron Grady. Jesse seems to be struggling with his sexuality throughout the entire film.
Penis Shaped Wall Art
Seriously, check it out, in the kitchen of the Walsh residence there is a strange penis shaped wall art object. This has been admitted to be a joke by the crew of the set…but still, no doubt gay subtext.
Don’s Place, The Gay Bar
Jesse Walsh is seen in one part of the movie showing up to a gay bar called “Don’s Place” in the middle of the night. He orders a drink and is approached by Coach Schneider, who is outfitted in some pretty extreme leather, definitely S&M attire. The coach seems super excited to see Jesse, smiling nonstop and the scene crosses over to the high school gymnasium, where the coach has Jesse running laps presumably as punishment for being caught drinking underage (though probably to get him in the showers – where Jesse ends up having to go when he’s done jogging).
Coach Schneider’s Shower Room Whipping
Typically, all victims die in spectacular fashion within the Nightmare films. However, there was one truly disturbing death in Freddy’s Revenge, that being the death scene of Coach Schneider. And although many of Freddy’s attacks and kill scenes in a lot of his films can be a little ‘adult’ in nature, it is arguable Coach Schneider’s death is on the more extreme end of the scale.
Freddy uses gymnasium equipment to drag Coach Schneider into the shower room and tie him up, leaving him bound and helpless. Jesse, the main protagonist is onlooking as Freddy (invisible at the time and working through the mind and body of Jesse), strips the coach naked and begins whipping him to death with a towel. Most of the whipping seems to be focused on his butt. Oh, and the showers are on.
Final Analysis of Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge
Many of the creators of the film will deny the gay subtext being intentional, insisting there was nothing in the script directly to support such a claim. Still, anyone who watches A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985) cannot deny the very obvious homoerotic vibe present flamboyantly in nearly every other scene. The film’s gradual progression into becoming the gayest horror movie of all time, was probably a combination of the main protagonist himself being a closeted gay in real life, as well as the cast, crew and creators dealing with the homophobia of the time. No doubt though that it all adds up making the second Nightmare On Elm Street, Freddy’s Revenge, full of obvious gay subtext.
Tritone’s love of horror and mystery began at a young age. Growing up in the 80’s he got to see some of the greatest horror movies play out in the best of venues, the drive-in theater. That’s when his obsession with the genre really began—but it wasn’t just the movies, it was the games, the books, the comics, and the lore behind it all that really ignited his obsession. Tritone is a published author and continues to write and write about horror whenever possible.
We’ve all seen it…the survivor is taking a break, resting behind a tree. Their warm breaths pouting in the brisk, fall-time air. As the survivor pants, trying to catch their breath, a machete emerges out of their stomach from the other side of the tree!
How many victims has your favorite horror movie slasher claimed? With so many movies out there and so many deaths…how can anyone keep up? Indeed, there are a lot of horror movie slashers out there with some pretty high body counts! Thus, Horror Enthusiast brings you the bonafide, official body count for your favorite horror slashers.
Horror Movie Slasher Body Count
Everyone has their favorite horror movie slasher, however, the favorite does not always have the highest kill count. Having the highest body count does not necessarily mean stronger, faster, or more powerful…only that the killer has claimed the most victims. Here is the official list of the highest horror movie slasher body count!
So, Which horror movie slasher has killed the most victims? Let’s take a look!
Jason Voorhees, 146 kills
From the Friday the 13th Franchise
Killer Highlights: 12 movies (including Freddy vs Jason), Machete Master, Loves to Camp!
The Friday the 13th killer takes spot #1 on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count! Jason’s body count is one of the most controversial as well, however, as many sources would easily argue Jason’s body count much higher. This is because many people attribute his mother’s killings in the first movie, along with several other accidents and anomalies as Jason kills. The true kill count at 146, is still really high and places him at the top of the list!
Michael Myers, 111 kills
From the Halloween Franchise
Killer Highlights: 9 movies (not present in Halloween III: Season of the Witch), Knifing Lunatic, Hates His Family!
This slasher was made famous in the Halloween franchise, chasing his family and killing anyone in his way. Unfortunately for the small town of Haddonfield, a lot of people got in his way, helping Michael Myers secure the #2 spot on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count! Michael’s body count is generally uncontested, as his slayings are pretty clean, and almost everyone understands that he is the killer.
Jigsaw (aka John Kramer), 60 kills
From the Saw Franchise
Killer Highlights: 8 movies (kills even after he is dead), Mechanical Genius, Abhors Wasted Potential!
John Kramer is a “break out” killer, in that he lived a mostly normal life until he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. After the diagnosis, he was never the same and decided to leave behind a legacy that would save as many hopeless lives as possible. Only Jigsaw would end up killing more people than he would ever save, making him the #3 most deadly killer on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!
Angela Baker, 55 kills
From the Sleepaway Camp Franchise
Killer Highlights: 6 movies, First Gender Change Killer, A “Just” Killer.
Society may not agree with Sleepaway Camp horror murderer Angela Baker’s killings; however, Angela herself believed the campers deserved to be punished based upon their behavior. Although she may be one of the more boring killers, not outfit with any awesome attire, she is most definitely one of the most deadly, ranking in at 4th most deadly slasher on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!
Ghostface, 49 kills
From the Scream Franchise
Killer Highlights: 4 movies (and a TV series), Famous Stalker, Multiple Killer Identities.
Ghostface is the only killer change identities throughout the franchise (as the killer is revealed within each movie). Ghostface uses a voice changer, ghost-like mask, black cloak and a scary looking dagger to stalk and haunt his victims until their inevitable death. Some die faster than others, however, many people have been slain, as Ghostface locks in the 5th most deadly slasher on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count! Very impressive for only 4 feature films!
The Hatchet franchise is a really interesting horror series. The movies are produced in more recent years…but feature an old school-like horror feel similar to the 80s slashers everyone has enjoyed. Victor Crowley, a deformed swamp-dwelling killer, has claimed the lives of 47 misplaced or stranded travelers who have wandered into his swamp. Victor lacks the same infamy as his horror counterparts, however, with time, the legend of his killings will make a claim to fame.
Lubdan is the little ugly, green slasher from the Leprechaun movies who loves playing with his gold. In fact, he loves his gold so much, he has killed for it countless times! Lubdan is often underestimated as his franchise was much less popular than some of the other slashers on the list. Still, he has taken out many more victims than some of the most respectable villains in horror, coming in towards the top of the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!
Freddy Krueger, 42 kills
From the Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise
Killer Highlights: 9 movies, “Knives for Fingers,” Nightmare-Dream Killer.
Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, has been one of the coldest killers of them all. His reign of terror started in the fabled house on Elm Street. Freddy loves to taunt his victims, often high school children, before harvesting their souls for all of eternity. Most horror fans believe Freddy’s body count is higher, however, Freddy considers the hunt more exciting than the kill itself, dragging his victims deaths out much longer than his slasher peers.
The Child’s Play villain, Chucky, is really serial killer Charles Lee Ray. Charles used a little voodoo to possess the doll in order to avoid the fate of the law. While a Good Guy Doll may be only a few feet tall at best, Chucky’s kill count is more respectable than some pretty evil villains, and he most certainly has earned his fair share!
Pinhead is one of the most powerful of all the horror movie slashers, and he is also ranked as one of the smartest of all horror movie killers. And with 9 movies, surely a horror movie villain would have an opportunity to really rake in the kills! That said, it is shame that Pinhead has only claimed 35 kills in his horror movie career! Especially considering he has traveled so far to get here…
Leatherface, 31 kills
From the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise
Killer Highlights: 9 movies, Wears Masks Made of the Faces of Victims, Chainsaw-Wielding Butcher.
Most of the time, Leatherface is pretty happy minding his own business and keeping to himself. He has a lot of toys and gadgets he likes to play with. Still, his family demands he hunt for dinner and he is most definitely the family’s most qualified butcher. Thus, Leatherface still rakes in a 31 kill career across his 9 Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies.
Hannibal Lecter, 23 kills
From the Hannibal Franchise
Killer Highlights: 5 movies, Super Intelligent, Cannibal Serial Killer.
Hannibal Lecter is one of the smartest horror movie killers to rack up an on-screen body count. Hannibal, like Freddy Krueger, prefers to take his time with his victims…dragging each death out much longer than a normal horror slasher. As entertaining as Hannibal’s killings may be, he still clocks in a respectable 23 kills throughout his horror movie career.
The Candy Man, by legend, has to be summoned in order for the slaughter to begin. And although the Candy Man might come in rather low on the list of Horror Movie Slasher Body Counts, he most certainly does not rank lowest in show, as he has a very respectable ‘kill per movie’ ratio!
Jaws, 21 kills
From the Jaws Franchise
Killer Highlights: 4 movies, Water-Dwelling, Great White Swimming Death Machine.
Jaws has never had a problem finding prey in his waters. Jaws has only starred in 4 movies, but still has found a way to chomp through 21 victims…leaving a legend behind that is even bigger than himself!
Killer Highlights: 6 movies, Hotel Owner, Psychopathic Inn Keeper.
The original psycho movie dates back to 1960, making Norman Bates the oldest killer on the list, even with his last movie a ripe couple decades back. Interestingly enough, Norman is the only killer on this list who is a business owner and has thus officially made his business “killing”!
The Creeper, 20 kills
From the Jeepers Creepers Franchise
Killer Highlights: 3 movies, Loves Driving a Rusty Truck, Ancient Creature Killer.
The Creeper is one of the only “ancient” killers to grace the horror genre. Still, he has claimed a high number of victims per movie, and it would be considered bad luck to run into him.
And The Kills Continue On…
While there may be rumors that some of these horror slashers are deceased and never coming back, many of the horror movie villains listed above are still alive and well to this very day. And despite the number of kills some of these horror slashers have claimed, their movies will continue to be made. No one seems to care, as production continues to go on! The body count for some of the most favorite killers, in fact, will likely rise for decades to come.
Do you feel we have missed someone? If you would like to see your killer added to the list, comment below and we will rank them accordingly!
Tritone’s love of horror and mystery began at a young age. Growing up in the 80’s he got to see some of the greatest horror movies play out in the best of venues, the drive-in theater. That’s when his obsession with the genre really began—but it wasn’t just the movies, it was the games, the books, the comics, and the lore behind it all that really ignited his obsession. Tritone is a published author and continues to write and write about horror whenever possible.
You’re finally home from a long day at work and now darkness sets in under a moonless, gloomy sky–having never been a fan of the dark, you lock the door behind you and kick off your shoes. There’s a split second where you feel your heart race at the thought of being caught off guard, the momentary flash of what-if.
You settle in for the night–maybe you just threw a microwave meal in to satisfy the need for food while also placating your exhaustion. You don’t want to go to bed yet, so maybe a movie? You flip through the channels and suddenly you find yourself at the entrancingly morbid opening credits of your favorite scary movie. Just as you begin to smile to yourself, the microwave beeps loudly from the kitchen and you jump in your seat–no you didn’t you’re not a fraidy cat.
Now you find yourself at the beginning of a marathon binge of a horror movie franchise and you don’t realize until two in the morning that you’ve got to be to work in a handful of hours and that you’ve made yet another pleasurably terrible decision. Good job on handling that adulting business that people always talk about.
Watching Horror Movies Has Benefits?
While it’s clear that many people are simply not interested in horror movies or the genre in general—it’s okay, not everyone enjoys the scary stuff—there have actually been studies done that lead us to believe that watching horror movies can actually be beneficial for our health! Sounds kind of silly, right? Seriously though, if you don’t believe us, keep reading—you might finally have an excuse to drag your friends into your next horror movie marathon once you’ve armed yourself with these awesome tidbits.
Anxiety? What anxiety?
Anxiety is an abnormal stressor that no one has time for, not to mention who wants to deal with that? When you voluntarily watch a horror movie, there is a latent feeling of safety that looms in the back of our minds—so when that scary music starts playing in the background and your brain begins to anticipate the danger that is coming for the protagonist on-screen, our fight or flight response is triggered.
When this response is triggered from suspenseful scenes in your favorite genre and has that subsequent release of adrenaline, glucose, and cortisol in our bodies it significantly combats the anxiety response. Anxiety, as anyone who suffers from it, will understand, is a huge roadblock when it comes to being able to accomplish anything—the fight or flight response counteracts that overwhelming obstacle in a huge way. In fact, some people use horror movies to treat minor instances of anxiety and depression—because adrenaline makes way for serotonin which is the body’s natural happy drug. Dr. Mathias Clasen, a professor of literature and media speculates horror movies educate people on how to deal with stressful or dangerous situations.
Liberate Yourself
Photography by Jakub Kriz
Speaking of abnormal stressors—stress is just plain unhealthy and those who enjoy watching horror movies, you’re in luck! When it comes to stress simply pick a horror movie, the creepier the better and let that stress bubble burst. This all goes hand-in-hand with the beautifully purifying catharsis that many people feel while watching scary movies.
Have you ever had someone cut you off in traffic and for a moment you feel such an intense surge of anger that you wanted to beat the tar out of them? Well—watching movies where these kinds of events are acted out on screen can actually have a cleansing effect. Since you would never act on these feelings yourself, due to your own moral and ethical objections to violence it’s only fair to be able to sympathize with Jason as he’s cutting down teens on Camp Crystal Lake.
Feel the burn—or, maybe not…
Thinking of putting off a visit to the gym tonight? Well, you can burn nearly two hundred calories sitting on your couch watching a horror movie. That’s not to say that you should substitute this in place of healthy exercise, but if you skipped out on your nightly walk to settle in and watch a horror flick you’re probably breaking even. Some of the most famous horror movies like The Shining, Jaws, and Alien were used in a study to determine the body’s reaction to stimuli presented in frightening movies—the result? Suffice it to say you can burn between 152 to 184 calories by popping in one of these movies, so while you might not feel the burn like you might with a short strenuous walk, it works just as well!
Enhance Brain Activity
Photography by Elti Meshau
The neurotransmitters that are released while watching a
horror movie increase brain activity—as has been noted above—with the adrenaline
rush that horror movies have been found to give us, the lasting effect is
actually heightened alertness.
Learn What NOT to Do!
According to the Psychology department at the University of Wisconsin people, women, in particular, can actually experience an increase in maturity and street smarts. Even though horror movies are often over the top in their depictions of violence, they mentally prepare people who find themselves in precarious situations. Walking down a dark alley late at night? Anyone who’s versed in suspenseful cinema knows to be alert for someone jumping out at them from the shadows—we’ve learned from movies to not repeat the mistakes of the disposable characters. Don’t trust strangers, don’t divulge personal information, don’t pick up hitchhikers, be vigilant when you’re alone.
Boost Your Immune System
Horror movies—especially the intensely frightening ones—signal our brains to release adrenaline which is actually a booster for our immune system. Just in time for cold season and with the widespread panic of the coronavirus, this booster comes in the form of an increase in white blood cells. Both men and women could use an increase of white blood cells—since these are the cells that fight off infections—to decrease the probability of getting sick or the length of time and seriousness of a viral or bacterial infection.
While it wouldn’t be ideal to be desensitized to everything
in life—moral abhorrence is typically what keeps people from being apathetic to
the problems of others—there are a lot of people out there that deal with
phobias on a daily basis. Therapists that work with these people often suggest
watching horror movies as a means to overcome the irrational fears that these
people suffer from. So, this counts as yet another health benefit that comes
along with movies that are meant to scare the pants off of people—after all, who
can’t get comfortable in a controlled environment with a fictional movie that
is meant to test your resolve (yeah, we know, there are still some people who
can’t muster the courage to undergo this sort of confrontation).
A Boon for
Lastly, no one can claim that horror movies don’t bring people together—sometimes even literally, grasping each other tightly with a shriek. The trick used to be a guy would ask a lady out on a date, usually a movie, then pick a scary movie so the lady might be inclined to scoot closer or let him put his arm around her. Horror movies are an experience for everyone involved, and there’s often at least one person in the group that gets worked up over the scariest scenes. Having a hand to hold, or strength in numbers revives the notion that our survival often depends on other people.
The Takeaway
If you’re not keen on watching
scary movies, never fret—there are ways to alleviate the burden of your own
fears. Watch them with friends or family, be ready with your phone to remind
you that you’re not alone, hide behind some munchies and blankets, keep the
lights on, read the synopsis of the movie to familiarize yourself with the plot
prior to watching, and finally—if you really just aren’t comfortable while
watching, you can always turn it off and live to be afraid another day! Keep in
mind that all of the benefits discussed here are the results of studies done on
willing participants—forcing yourself or others to watch scary movies is never
advised, especially since you can only reap the benefits of watching them if
you’re doing so willingly!
Georgia-based author and artist, Mary has been a horror aficionado since the mid-2000s. Originally a hobby artist and writer, she found her niche in the horror industry in late 2019 and hasn’t looked back since. Mary’s evolution into a horror expert allowed her to express herself truly for the first time in her life. Now, she prides herself on indulging in the stuff of nightmares.
Mary also moonlights as a content creator across multiple social media platforms—breaking down horror tropes on YouTube, as well as playing horror games and broadcasting live digital art sessions on Twitch.
For hardcore paranormal believers, the subject of haunted objects holds a lot of fascination. Is it possible for a demonic spirit to be encapsulated in an inanimate object? And if so, what happens if you become the owner, and you open it?
We did a little research in January to see how many Dybbuk boxes were actually for sale on eBay. At the time of writing, there were 367 Dybbuk boxes for sale on eBay, and each of them came with a ‘caveat emptor’ or buyer-beware warning like: “dangerous apparition attached” and “do not open”.
We’ve all heard about people who experience disruptive and even life-threatening encounters with the paranormal by accident; they move into a house, use spiritual messaging like a ouija board or tarot cards, or visit a haunted location and something ‘hitches a ride’ back home with them. But would you ever willingly purchase a haunted object and bring it into your house? Let us know in the comments below.
What is the Judaic History and Culture Surrounding Dybbuk Boxes?
Dybbuk boxes were used in the Hebrew faith for thousands of years, but they were not something that was talked about publicly. Imagine a situation where a family or home was infected with a benevolent entity; the Rabbi would come to your home, study it and then determine the intervention which would seal the demon in the box.
However, in the Jewish faith, these Dybbuk boxes were never intended to be passed on to another individual. In fact, if your family had a Dybbuk box, it was like having an entity that had attached itself to your household; a curse that could last generations. And so, the Dybbuk box and the existence of them were a secret among devote Hebrew families; they hid the box, and they protected it from being opened or damaged.
The Jewish faith actually downplays demonology, but there are many examples within the historical religious texts that provide instructions on dealing with demonic manifestations. Demons in Hebrew text are called Sheydim. The first Sheydim of course, was Lilith.
In Jewish mythology, a Dybbuk is actually a malicious spirit that is believed to not be demonic, but the disenfranchised soul of a dead person. Dybbuks can possess people to accomplish a goal, such as revenge or in the act of bringing someone to justice for a horrific crime. This is another reason why the Dybbuk boxes were not always feared in the Hebrew faith, but respected.
From that perspective, the box represented insulation of the spirit from influence (or preventing it from possessing someone). But the Dybbuk itself may be a close family member also who passed on; the perspective of the box and entity is much different in the Hebrew faith. And very different from the horror movies and occult accounts that proliferate the web today, about haunted boxes and Dybbuk demons. The rough translation of the word “Dybbuk” in Hebrew means “to cling”.
If you are interested in learning more about Judaic demonology and mythology, check out the podcast “Throwing Sheyd” by Miriam Brosseau and Alan Jay Sufrin.
Are Dybbuk Boxes Truly Sealed?
So, assuming you believe that a benevolent entity is trapped inside a Dybbuk box, how exactly do you prevent the spirit or demon from escaping the box? We can imagine that the idea of having a Dybbuk box as part of your paranormal collection of lore may be appealing, but probably less so if you think there is a possibility that it can get out, and start causing real problems for you.
One thing you will notice about Dybbuk boxes for sale (and historical write-ups about them) is that they are always sealed with wax. But not just any kind of wax. The ritual for sealing a Dybbuk box involves a Rabbi or a Priest and incantations, followed by the sealing of all possible exits for the entity from the box by white wax.
White candles are known in lore and ancient religions for having a cleansing and purification power, that repels negative energy and provides protection. All colors on the spectrum are derived from pure white light, which has the power of consecration. White reflects no light and has virtually no ability to absorb energy (white candles conduct less heat than other colors of wax). Therefore (if you believe the lore) the white wax acts as an impermeable barrier preventing the entity or spirit from leaving the box.
Now you know why so many Churches worldwide use white candles in temples and places of worship. For more than 2,000 years, white candles have been used in all faiths to repel evil, and prevent demonic influence from harming people.
Can a Dybbuk Box Influence You If It Is Not Opened?
There are many fascinating stories about people who have purchased or inherited what they believe to be an authentic haunted Dybbuk box. Again, is not the box that is the problem; it is what was sealed inside of it.
The internet is full of spooky stories about people who purchased a Dybbuk box, only to have it arrive at their home with a crack in the box (due to damage in transit). Those individuals share some spectacularly creepy paranormal experiences, that were so disturbing, they either resealed the box and sold it to someone else or they buried it far away from their home, to protect themselves (and others) from the benevolent influence inside the box.
Some signs that people have reported around Dybbuk boxes (which may indicate authenticity and an evil or unquiet spirit inside) are:
The smell of cat urine, rotting eggs, or sulfur.
Nightmares of demons, the box or the box breaking open.
Unexplained scratches, burns or welts on the body of the owner or anyone who touches the box.
Unusual bad luck, feeling emotionally drained, or unusual feelings of anger toward those in close relationships with you.
The most internet-famous case to date is the story of the Dybbuk box that was owned by a man named Kevin Mannis, in 2001. Mannis purchased the wine cabinet from an estate sale of a woman who was originally from Poland. The granddaughter of the deceased woman insisted that Kevin keep the box (but never open it), even after Mannis tried to give the box back to her, as it had been in her family for generations.
While Kevin Mannis owned the Dybbuk box, he stored it briefly in his restoration shop. He received a call from his employee that someone had broken into the basement and was ‘smashing up the place”. When Mannis arrived, he went into the basement (where the box was stored) and found the lights broken and shattered, and a thick scent of cat urine. His employee left after the examination of the basement and never returned.
Kevin wanted to refurbish the wine cabinet as an antique and give it to his mother. After he cleaned it up, his Mom arrived at his shop to go out to lunch, and he gave her the box as a gift. After she returned home, a family friend called him to say that his mother was found in a chair with an expressionless face, crying but otherwise unresponsive. At the hospital, she was unable to speak, but they gave her a spelling board to point out letters so she could communicate.
She typed out two sentences: “no gift” and “hate gift”. Mannis gave the box to his sister (who was curious about it too) and after a week she returned it to him claiming that her home smelled like jasmine flowers and cat urine. He gave the box to his girlfriend to sell for him (as he was afraid to touch it again) and the middle-aged couple who purchased it, left it on his front door with a note saying “this has bad darkness”.
He returned to his mother and found her sitting in a chair, expressionless, crying, and totally unresponsive. She was rushed to the hospital, and it turned out she had had a stroke and lost her ability to speak for a time. During this time, she could only speak using a spell board on which she would point to letters to spell out words. When he asked her how she was doing, she spelled out, “No gift.” When he said he’d given her a gift, she emphasized, “Hate gift.”
He then gave the box to his sister. She kept it for a week and gave it back. He gave it to his brother and his brother’s wife, who kept it for three days and returned it. The brother said it smelled like jasmine flowers, and his wife said it smelled of cat urine.
Kevin gave it to his girlfriend, who soon asked him to sell it for her. He sold it to a middle-aged couple and three days later found the box sitting in front of his shop with a note saying, “This has a bad darkness.”
While Kevin Mannis owned the box, he reported being tormented by a malevolent spirit:
“I find myself walking with a friend, usually someone I know well and trust at some point in the dream, I find myself looking into the eyes of the person that I am with. It is then that I realize that there is something different, something evil looking back at me. At that point in my dream, the person I am with changes into what can only be described as the most gruesome, demonic-looking Hag that I have ever seen. This Hag proceeds then, to beat the living tar out of me.” — Kevin Mannis
The Kevin Mannis Dybbuk box has changed hands and currently belongs in the private collection of haunted objects and paranormal expert, Zak Bragans from the television series “Ghost Adventures”.
Do you think Dybbuk boxes are real, or a hoax? Have you ever been in a room with one and had a paranormal event that you can’t explain? Share your story with us, and leave us a comment about your haunted object experience.
Generation X gamer girl, marketing professional and closet horror writer. Lover of fast moving horror movies, slow moving zombies and historically based paranormal lore.
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