Horror Movie Slasher With The Highest Body Count
Tracking Horror Movie Villain Body Counts
We’ve all seen it…the survivor is taking a break, resting behind a tree. Their warm breaths pouting in the brisk, fall-time air. As the survivor pants, trying to catch their breath, a machete emerges out of their stomach from the other side of the tree!
How many victims has your favorite horror movie slasher claimed? With so many movies out there and so many deaths…how can anyone keep up? Indeed, there are a lot of horror movie slashers out there with some pretty high body counts! Thus, Horror Enthusiast brings you the bonafide, official body count for your favorite horror slashers.
Horror Movie Slasher Body Count
Everyone has their favorite horror movie slasher, however, the favorite does not always have the highest kill count. Having the highest body count does not necessarily mean stronger, faster, or more powerful…only that the killer has claimed the most victims. Here is the official list of the highest horror movie slasher body count!
So, Which horror movie slasher has killed the most victims? Let’s take a look!
Jason Voorhees, 146 kills

From the Friday the 13th Franchise
Killer Highlights: 12 movies (including Freddy vs Jason), Machete Master, Loves to Camp!
The Friday the 13th killer takes spot #1 on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count! Jason’s body count is one of the most controversial as well, however, as many sources would easily argue Jason’s body count much higher. This is because many people attribute his mother’s killings in the first movie, along with several other accidents and anomalies as Jason kills. The true kill count at 146, is still really high and places him at the top of the list!
Michael Myers, 111 kills
From the Halloween Franchise
Killer Highlights: 9 movies (not present in Halloween III: Season of the Witch), Knifing Lunatic, Hates His Family!
This slasher was made famous in the Halloween franchise, chasing his family and killing anyone in his way. Unfortunately for the small town of Haddonfield, a lot of people got in his way, helping Michael Myers secure the #2 spot on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count! Michael’s body count is generally uncontested, as his slayings are pretty clean, and almost everyone understands that he is the killer.
Jigsaw (aka John Kramer), 60 kills
From the Saw Franchise
Killer Highlights: 8 movies (kills even after he is dead), Mechanical Genius, Abhors Wasted Potential!
John Kramer is a “break out” killer, in that he lived a mostly normal life until he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. After the diagnosis, he was never the same and decided to leave behind a legacy that would save as many hopeless lives as possible. Only Jigsaw would end up killing more people than he would ever save, making him the #3 most deadly killer on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!
Angela Baker, 55 kills
From the Sleepaway Camp Franchise
Killer Highlights: 6 movies, First Gender Change Killer, A “Just” Killer.
Society may not agree with Sleepaway Camp horror murderer Angela Baker’s killings; however, Angela herself believed the campers deserved to be punished based upon their behavior. Although she may be one of the more boring killers, not outfit with any awesome attire, she is most definitely one of the most deadly, ranking in at 4th most deadly slasher on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!
Ghostface, 49 kills
From the Scream Franchise
Killer Highlights: 4 movies (and a TV series), Famous Stalker, Multiple Killer Identities.
Ghostface is the only killer change identities throughout the franchise (as the killer is revealed within each movie). Ghostface uses a voice changer, ghost-like mask, black cloak and a scary looking dagger to stalk and haunt his victims until their inevitable death. Some die faster than others, however, many people have been slain, as Ghostface locks in the 5th most deadly slasher on the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count! Very impressive for only 4 feature films!
Victor Crowley, 47 kills
From the Hatchet Franchise
Killer Highlights: 4 movies, Hatchet Wielding, Swampland Slasher.
The Hatchet franchise is a really interesting horror series. The movies are produced in more recent years…but feature an old school-like horror feel similar to the 80s slashers everyone has enjoyed. Victor Crowley, a deformed swamp-dwelling killer, has claimed the lives of 47 misplaced or stranded travelers who have wandered into his swamp. Victor lacks the same infamy as his horror counterparts, however, with time, the legend of his killings will make a claim to fame.
Lubdan the Leprechaun, 45 kills

From the Leprechaun Franchise
Killer Highlights: 7 movies, Magic-Wielding Immortal, Greedy Gold Loving Killer.
Lubdan is the little ugly, green slasher from the Leprechaun movies who loves playing with his gold. In fact, he loves his gold so much, he has killed for it countless times! Lubdan is often underestimated as his franchise was much less popular than some of the other slashers on the list. Still, he has taken out many more victims than some of the most respectable villains in horror, coming in towards the top of the Horror Movie Slasher Body Count!
Freddy Krueger, 42 kills
From the Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise
Killer Highlights: 9 movies, “Knives for Fingers,” Nightmare-Dream Killer.
Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, has been one of the coldest killers of them all. His reign of terror started in the fabled house on Elm Street. Freddy loves to taunt his victims, often high school children, before harvesting their souls for all of eternity. Most horror fans believe Freddy’s body count is higher, however, Freddy considers the hunt more exciting than the kill itself, dragging his victims deaths out much longer than his slasher peers.
Chucky, 38 kills
From the Child’s Play Franchise
Killer Highlights: 7 movies, Sold as a Children’s Toy, Supernaturally Possessed Doll.
The Child’s Play villain, Chucky, is really serial killer Charles Lee Ray. Charles used a little voodoo to possess the doll in order to avoid the fate of the law. While a Good Guy Doll may be only a few feet tall at best, Chucky’s kill count is more respectable than some pretty evil villains, and he most certainly has earned his fair share!
Pinhead, 35 kills
From the Hellraiser Franchise
Killer Highlights: 9 movies, Supernatural Powers, Extradimensional Traveling Demon.
Pinhead is one of the most powerful of all the horror movie slashers, and he is also ranked as one of the smartest of all horror movie killers. And with 9 movies, surely a horror movie villain would have an opportunity to really rake in the kills! That said, it is shame that Pinhead has only claimed 35 kills in his horror movie career! Especially considering he has traveled so far to get here…
Leatherface, 31 kills
From the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise
Killer Highlights: 9 movies, Wears Masks Made of the Faces of Victims, Chainsaw-Wielding Butcher.
Most of the time, Leatherface is pretty happy minding his own business and keeping to himself. He has a lot of toys and gadgets he likes to play with. Still, his family demands he hunt for dinner and he is most definitely the family’s most qualified butcher. Thus, Leatherface still rakes in a 31 kill career across his 9 Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies.
Hannibal Lecter, 23 kills
From the Hannibal Franchise
Killer Highlights: 5 movies, Super Intelligent, Cannibal Serial Killer.
Hannibal Lecter is one of the smartest horror movie killers to rack up an on-screen body count. Hannibal, like Freddy Krueger, prefers to take his time with his victims…dragging each death out much longer than a normal horror slasher. As entertaining as Hannibal’s killings may be, he still clocks in a respectable 23 kills throughout his horror movie career.
The Candy Man, 22 kills

From the Candyman Franchise
Killer Highlights: 3 movies, Hook-Wielding, Urban Legend Slasher.
The Candy Man, by legend, has to be summoned in order for the slaughter to begin. And although the Candy Man might come in rather low on the list of Horror Movie Slasher Body Counts, he most certainly does not rank lowest in show, as he has a very respectable ‘kill per movie’ ratio!
Jaws, 21 kills
From the Jaws Franchise
Killer Highlights: 4 movies, Water-Dwelling, Great White Swimming Death Machine.
Jaws has never had a problem finding prey in his waters. Jaws has only starred in 4 movies, but still has found a way to chomp through 21 victims…leaving a legend behind that is even bigger than himself!
Norman Bates, 20 kills
From the Psycho Franchise
Killer Highlights: 6 movies, Hotel Owner, Psychopathic Inn Keeper.
The original psycho movie dates back to 1960, making Norman Bates the oldest killer on the list, even with his last movie a ripe couple decades back. Interestingly enough, Norman is the only killer on this list who is a business owner and has thus officially made his business “killing”!
The Creeper, 20 kills
From the Jeepers Creepers Franchise
Killer Highlights: 3 movies, Loves Driving a Rusty Truck, Ancient Creature Killer.
The Creeper is one of the only “ancient” killers to grace the horror genre. Still, he has claimed a high number of victims per movie, and it would be considered bad luck to run into him.
And The Kills Continue On…
While there may be rumors that some of these horror slashers are deceased and never coming back, many of the horror movie villains listed above are still alive and well to this very day. And despite the number of kills some of these horror slashers have claimed, their movies will continue to be made. No one seems to care, as production continues to go on! The body count for some of the most favorite killers, in fact, will likely rise for decades to come.
Do you feel we have missed someone? If you would like to see your killer added to the list, comment below and we will rank them accordingly!

Tritone’s love of horror and mystery began at a young age. Growing up in the 80’s he got to see some of the greatest horror movies play out in the best of venues, the drive-in theater. That’s when his obsession with the genre really began—but it wasn’t just the movies, it was the games, the books, the comics, and the lore behind it all that really ignited his obsession. Tritone is a published author and continues to write and write about horror whenever possible.