New indie Zombie film “Zombiphosate” produced by Les Films Guacamole is now free to stream on youtube. Yes you can learn French while watching a horror movie. Duolingo has nothing on horror!
Tell me a bit about your production company?
We are an association called « Les Films Guacamole » based in France. Composed by different friends who love horror movies. Joe & Paul, the directors, started to shoot music video for Paul’s band. And now we would like to do short film and maybe one day a long one.
What inspired this film?
One day Paul was hiking in the forest and he imagined if he was followed by zombies.
This film was inspired by the Romero’s classic Night of the living dead of course. But also some Troma movies or even the TV Show : Scooby-Doo for the kind of characters.
What were some major challenges in filming?
The big challenge was to shoot in 1 day and without authorization.
What is your favorite scene?
We like the scene when the guys arrive in front of the tree and the blond girl says « Il est chelou cet arbre ! » (That’s a weird tree!). Best punchline in the movie (inside joke).
Did anything funny happen on the set?
Oh yes, when Paul (the zombie who puked) tried to put some fake blood on his face one day before the shoot. He did it 2 hours before an important professional meeting. Then, when he wanted to clean his face before the meeting, he couldn’t erase the blood trail on his face. So he finally went it like that.
Can you give us some film recommendations that you love?
Scream (Wes Craven)
Halloween (Carpenter)
Night of the living dead (Romero)
Psychose (Hitchcock)
Suspiria (Dario Argento)
Where can we find and follow you? Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram

Tritone’s love of horror and mystery began at a young age. Growing up in the 80’s he got to see some of the greatest horror movies play out in the best of venues, the drive-in theater. That’s when his obsession with the genre really began—but it wasn’t just the movies, it was the games, the books, the comics, and the lore behind it all that really ignited his obsession. Tritone is a published author and continues to write and write about horror whenever possible.