Does Michael Myers Ever Die?
Halloween’s Michael Myers is infamous for returning over and over again on Halloween to slay his family and a variety of other victims in his path. Sometimes, he sustains injuries that no human being could ever sustain at the end of one movie, only to reappear in another film a few years down the road. So what is the deal? Is Michael Myers an immortal? Horror Enthusiast analyzes some of the most key points in revealed throughout the Halloween franchise which explain Michael’s never-ending killing cycle!
Can Michael Myers Live Forever?
Dr Loomis describes the first time he saw Michael Myers as essentially meeting the devil himself. He admits that he felt Michael was savable, however, after 8 years of trying to mentally repair Michael, he gave up and began trying to keep him locked up. Loomis describes Michael Myers as pure evil. Being made of ‘pure evil’ would most certainly explain Michael’s incredible survival skills. Here is a list of the ways he has ‘died’ throughout the Halloween films…
Michael Meyers Defeats Timeline
In Halloween (1978), Michael gets a full revolver of bullets in the chest and falls from a second story window.
In Halloween II (1981), Michael gets shot 8 times, including once in each eyeball, and then blown to smithereens via oxygen and ether tanks in Haddonfield Memorial Hospital.
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) features a practical firing squad as Michael receives a barrage of bullets, from both rifles and shotguns, and falls into a mine shaft. Law enforcement toss some dynamite into the shaft along with him in an attempt to finish him.
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) presents Michael’s elaborate survival of the previous film’s ‘dynamite ending’ (pun intended), and showcases Michael’s building strength strength.
In Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995), Michael is injected with a solution that is revealed to be a tranquilizer and then beat with a pipe. He still escapes.
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998) brings back Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode, who crushes her brother against a tree with an ambulance and decapitates him with an axe. However, this was apparently not Michael (as revealed in Resurrection, 2002).
In Halloween: Resurrection (2002), Michael suffers an electrocution. He is also lit on fire.
Rob Zombie’s Halloween (2007), the slasher gets shot multiple times, stabbed in the chest, falls from a second story window (like the first film) and then gets shot in the face. He survives.
And Rob Zombie’s sequel, Halloween II (2009), Michael was stabbed many times with a butcher knife, wounds both in the chest and face. Despite this film depicting him dead, he always seems to escape somehow.
Will Michael Myers Ever Die?
Michael always seems to surprise fans. No matter how many ways they have tried to kill him, he appears to have infinite strength and infinite lives. Still, the Danny McBride 2018 rewrite frames a mortal, much more human slasher. McBride has explained that the Halloween franchise has gotten too corny and that it deserves to reboot, back to the original Carpenter-style horror it was in 1978. Carpenter must agree, as he is listed as the lead producer on the 2018 Halloween remake. In fact, Michael Myers has been made out to be much more vulnerable than ever before in the upcoming film.
Halloween (2018) After Michael is trapped in a fortified basement and the house explodes the camera cuts back to the smoldering ruins. Alas these is not real evidence that he was destroyed.
After many attempts it seems clear he cannot be killed by any conventional methods. Is he immortal is still TBD, but he sure is not easy to kill. Can you really kill True Evil though?

Tritone’s love of horror and mystery began at a young age. Growing up in the 80’s he got to see some of the greatest horror movies play out in the best of venues, the drive-in theater. That’s when his obsession with the genre really began—but it wasn’t just the movies, it was the games, the books, the comics, and the lore behind it all that really ignited his obsession. Tritone is a published author and continues to write and write about horror whenever possible.