Scary Horror Shorts You Should Watch In The Dark.

Scary Movies and Series

With film making becoming more accessible everyday the amount of material on the web has grown significantly. There are now thousands of horror shorts out there and some are definitely worth watching. So here are the scariest, the funniest and what we think are the best horror short films on the web right now.

Let’s kick it off with Zombie Kangaroo’s.. see what I did there? Octopod Films and Veritas Entertainment, in association with Deadpan Films, are proud to bring you ‘Waterborne‘ – the world’s first zombie kangaroo film, and a prequel for a feature film currently in development 2014. – It looks like the film has not yet made it to full feature still but the short sure is fun. Enjoy.

MAMA – Guillermo del Toro.
When he first saw this he stated it was one of the “scariest scenes he had ever seen.” Later he used it for a feature film.

MAMA Short film

From Director AJ Briones Comes the The Smiling Man 1 and The Smiling Man 2. Pennywise has forever changed smiling clown like faces and nothing is creepier than the cryptic grin. Enjoy.

Lasiurus – Directed, produced, edited, written, shot and visual effects by Marcus Alqueres. End of times and you are one of the last to know. Beautifully shot and directed. I hope to see more horror from Marcus in the future.

Wicken from Hashmic House Films. Would you really do that to someone you loved?

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