Scream’s Ghostface Mask History and Variations

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Much as Jason Vorhees forever changed the hockey goalie mask Ghostface has brought fame and fortune to the Scream movie mask or is it the Ghostface mask, well really it was called “The Peanut-Eyed Ghost,” but we’ll get to that. Since the original Scream movie the mask has taken off in popularity and there are dozens of variations, fan versions, and remakes available. In the mid 1990s it is widely considered the highest selling Halloween mask and continues to sell thousands a month and even more in September and October.

History of the Ghostface Scream Mask

Scream was originally going to be called “Scary Movie,” but after the Scream’s Ghostface mask was discovered the movie title was eventually changed to “Scream.” Mostly likely due to mask’s inspiration from the impressionistic painter Edward Munch´s “The Scream” – 1893.

Edward Munch´s “The Scream" oil painting

Ghostface’s Scream mask was originally discovered at a scouting location once used by an Alfred Hitchcock film, by Marianne Maddalena. Much like there are different killers in the Scream franchise, there are different stories as to where the mask was found from a box to draped over a chair, but what remains consistent that it was discovered on a location scouting mission.

This is like the famous Scream painting

Wes Craven

After the generous home owner let them take the mask the production team set to making their own variation. The script called for a mask that you might find at a “dime store” and after 20 variation attempts the team was still not able to create something satisfactory.

They must’ve done 20 different designs. Every one of them was rejected by the studio, and finally we were like, why don’t we just get the rights to this mask?

Behind the Scenes Scream

Concept Art of the Variations

ghostface scream mask concept art
ghostface scream mask concept art two designs
ghostface scream mask concept art with scary teeth
ghostface scream mask concept art 12 variations

Finally, it was suggested that they simply get the rights to use the mask. The original mask was created by “Fun World” and it was called “The Peanut-Eyed Ghost.” Fun World currently sells 9 variations of the mask but they are a retail distributor so you cannot buy just one directly from them, sorry. The Ghostface scream mask was originally designed by Brigitte Sleiertin for the “Fantastic Faces” series somewhere around 1994. She noted that she was influenced by the Scream Painting but also:

I just loved all vintage animation and that fluid, almost rubbery movement

Brigitte Sleiertin original Scream Mask Designer

But the saga continues. Her boss at the time, Alan Geller, has claimed he actually created the mask, but nothing has surfaced to date to prove that.

Scream Behind The Scenes Documentary

Ghostface Scream Mask Variations

Fun World made a guide of many of the face mold options, but there is more than just the molds. There are color variations, themes, and anniversary editions all out there for your collection.

Scream mask variations

2022 Ghostface Mask Variations

The Patriot, Pumpkin, Pride, Blood, Dead by Daylight Ghostface mask and more. These Ghostface Masks are currently Available at Horror Hub Marketplace

Older Ghostface Mask Variations

2018 Ghostface Mask Variations

2017 Ghostface Mask Variations

Scream the Series Masks

MTV’s adaptation of the movie franchise ran for 3 seasons. For the first two seasons the series did not use the official Ghostface Mask. Instead it ran with a variant of sorts. More of a post surgical mask, but with some reference to the original. This did not go over well with die hard Scream fans so in season 3 MTV got the rights from Fun World to use a proper Ghostface mask.

Scream mask from MTV series with a man holding a knife

The future of the Scream mask seems certain, more variations! Until then stay creepy and enjoy the upcoming 5th release this week.

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