Article Submissions

Horror writer on typewriter

You love horror and so do we!

Puzzle Box Horror is a small horror publication that focuses solely on supernatural horror. We love horror sub-genres like cosmic horror, gothic horror, hauntings, sci-fi horror, aliens, magical creatures (the evil kind), and of course tragic horror love stories involving vampires and or werewolves.

Article types we accept:

  • Best of articles/Recommendations – Find a niche or topic in supernatural horror and recommend a pile of books, comics, movies, authors, games or even collectibles. These are essentially themed recommendations. A great example here with Cosmic Horror Books
  • History of articles – These are all about where the horror began. Genres, historic horror figures, classic creatures, etc. A great example is this werewolf article.
  • Supernatural Lore – The scary lore, Urban Legends, and tales. We have a whole section dedicated to this. Haunted books..yes please.. terrifying hauntings, love em. The list is long but if it is scary lore we want it. We don’t cover serial killers though.. unless they were possessed. Here is one of our favorites from our site the haunted white eagle hotel
  • Interviews with horror creators – New and upcoming authors and comic book creators. The next rising star in creating horror is who we want to talk to. Please make sure they are somewhat established though such as this one we did with Richard Thomas.
  • Book/Movie Reviews – This is new and something we are going to start doing soon. We will be selective on what we want to review based on our niche and the item being reviewing being established enough that our fans will have a reference at least.

The work must be original and if we accept the pitch the content will be for our site of course.

What’s in it for the writer aka you?

Well first off we pay for articles. The pay depends on the quality of the article and length but we will establish expectations up front.

We will allow and encourage link backs to your site, blog etc. And we will not hide the follow link under a “no follow” lame!

Author bio on the site and listed as a contributor.

A chance that your article will be used in our Atlas of Lore printed series. We are currently working on the next release about Alaska.

Submissions instructions

Please submit the following to

  • Very short topic pitch
  • What type of article from the list above
  • Expected length (word count) min of 500 words
  • The rate you want for the article – Guest posting is an option for new less established writers
  • Any background on where you have published before and Twitter and site URL if applicable

We have two staff writers and we are looking for consistent writers for 3 more articles a week currently.

Thanks for checking us out and hope you are enjoying the apocalypse.


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