How to Escape and Survive a Real Life Michael Myers
Michael Myers is one of the scariest figures in the horror slasher genre…and has claimed one of the highest horror movie killer body counts of them all! He is ominous, seemingly immortal and possesses terrifying presence! What if Michael Myers were chasing you throughout his childhood home? What if you found yourself at a hospital late at night alongside Laurie Strode? What if you found yourself in Haddonfield on Halloween?
Would You Survive Michael Myers In Real Life?
Horror Enthusiast has created the Michael Myers Survival Points system in order to track your progress during a real life Michael Myers escape. Making favorable decisions earns you positive points, while making mistakes may cost you your points (or much worse!).
You start out with Zero (0) points, unless your last name is “Myers” or “Strode,” in which case you start out with negative five (-5) points!
After you complete the quiz and tally up your score, you will be able to determine whether you would be likely to survive a real life Michael Myers chase or be the next resident of the Haddonfield cemetery!
Weapon to Use Against Michael Myers
Most survivors are not strong enough by themselves, thus a weapon in a horror movie is an invaluable asset. Michael Myers almost always has a large kitchen knife which can be seen gleaming in the background as he stalks his a victim. Having a weapon has sometimes helped a Michael Myers survivor find their way to safety. You may choose one (1) weapon to use against Michael Myers to aid your survival!
- If you would attempt to inject Michael with a powerful sedative that would knock him out instantly, add 8 points to your score.
- If you would choose to use a knife or piece of broken glass against Michael, add 10 points to your score.
- If you would attempt to hit Michael with a car or other vehicle, add 12 points to your score.
- If you would attempt to knock Michael out with a piece of furniture or other heavy object, add 15 points to your score.
- If you would attempt to shoot Michael with a pistol or a shotgun, add 8 points to your score.
- If you would attempt to wrestle Michael’s knife out of his hands to use against him, add 6 point to your score.
- If you choose to avoid an encounter, do not modify your score.
Hiding Place When Running From Michael Myers

It is impossible for nearly all survivors to run indefinitely…although the slashers seem to have endless streams of energy. Hiding is therefore essential to a good survival plan, and where you hide against Michael Myers matters. Michael is an expert at hide and go seek, so choose carefully! You may choose one (1) hiding place to help you survive a real life Michael Myers chase!
- If you would choose to hide in an inoperable vehicle, add 9 points to your score.
- If you would choose to hide in a barn, add 12 points to your score.
- If you would choose to hide under a desk or table, add 15 points to your score.
- If you would choose to hide in a dumbwaiter, add 5 points to your score.
- If you would choose to hide in a closet, add 9 points to your score.
- If you would never choose to hide, do not modify your score.
Escape Routes to Escape Michael Myers
Although Michael’s total body count is rather high, some survivors still slip through to the end and go on to live for a sequel! Most of the victims have tried to escape, but their escape route turns out to be a poor choice against “The Shape.” Those who get away typically have to run for a while and require a collaboration of creative escape routes to survive. You may choose two (2) escape routes in order to create your preferred combination for survival!
- If you would attempt to get into a car, knowing the keys are inside, and drive away from Michael, add 10 points to your score.
- If you would choose to call 911 and wait it out in hiding within a building (hospital, school, etc), add 7 points to your score.
- If you would choose to jump from a two story window, without knowing what was below, add 10 points to your score.
- If you would attempt to seriously incapacitate or kill Michael Myers in order to escape, add 15 points to your score.
- If you would choose to trap Michel Myers in any way (with a car, with a heavy object, with a noose trap, etc), add 15 points to your score.
Ways to Die Against Michael Myers

There are a lot of mistakes to be made when a horror movie slasher is chasing you. Michael Myers is a lot less tolerant of mistakes and will typically seize these opportunities to slay his victims. Unfortunately, these common mistakes will diminish the chance of survival!
Assuming He Is Dead
Many characters make the mistake of assuming Michael Myers is dead at one point or another. This is a recurring theme, and one that winds up being fatal for many characters. Whether it is hell reincarnated in human form, simple supernatural powers, Michael Myers does not seem to die.
If you would approach Michael Myers while he lay still in front of you, seemingly dead, with any reason other than to do him immediate harm, subtract 25 points from your score!
Celebrating Halloween
Almost all of Michael’s victims celebrated to some extent. Some victims even went trick or treating! Michael only seems to be interested in killing on Samhain (Halloween day itself), and thus, those out and about celebrating Halloween are at greater risk!
If you are a Halloween lover, subtract 25 points from your score!
Having Intercourse
Like many other horror slashers of his generation, Michael loves to kill those who are in a …compromising position! People who become intimate in the Halloween movies are at an increased risk for becoming part of Michael’s never ending body count.
If you would find yourself in an intimate, ‘compromising position’ on Halloween day, subtract 20 points from your score!
Protecting a Potential Victim
There are a lot of kills that did not have to happen! Michael Myers oftentimes has to tear through a few unnecessary deaths in order to reach his true intended victim. Because Michael is seeking out his family, those who stand in the way to protect or defend the targets, usually die themselves.
If you feel you would stand up for one of Michael’s families, a Strode or a Myers, subtract 15 points from your score!
Curse of the Working Man
Michael Myers is a very mobile slasher, and finds his way around in order to reach his targets. Unfortunately, this means killing a lot of innocent people along the way who are key in him working his way to his victims. He will kill doctors, nurses, paramedics, police, attendants, mechanics, and more.
If you have a job that involves helping others in any way (in person), you might come into contact with Michael Myers by sheer chance (bad luck), so subtract 10 points from your score!
Did You Survive Michael Myers?

Tallying up your Michael Myers Survival Points will indicate your likelihood of surviving a real life encounter with Michael Myers.
0 to 3 points………… SLIM CHANCE OF SURVIVAL
-9 to -1 points……… PROBABLY DEAD ON ARRIVAL
-19 to -10 points……DEFINITE DEATH
Remember, Michael has killed a lot of people and not all of them have realized what was happening until it was too late. Many people mistake him for a peer, and many people believe he can be tamed. Michael’s kill count continues to go up, although nearly every kill has been spectacular.

Tritone’s love of horror and mystery began at a young age. Growing up in the 80’s he got to see some of the greatest horror movies play out in the best of venues, the drive-in theater. That’s when his obsession with the genre really began—but it wasn’t just the movies, it was the games, the books, the comics, and the lore behind it all that really ignited his obsession. Tritone is a published author and continues to write and write about horror whenever possible.