Which Horror Movie Killer Would Win?

Scary Movies and Series

Pitting Horror Movie Killers and Slashers Against Each Other

The age old questions of which horror movie slasher is strongest, most powerful, most dangerous or would win in a fight, has been haunting us for decades! And almost all of the horror fans out there expected to see a clear winner in Freddy vs Jason (2003); Thus a great void was left in the “who would win” what-if scenario between the two horror villain giants.  And people are now wondering more than ever who would win a number of other Slasher vs Slasher fights.  Horror Enthusiast has stepped up to the plate, pitting a number of villains against one another and drawing a conclusion as to the outcome and winner of each fight!

Fictional Horror Movie Killer Fights (Who Would Win)

Without further ado, these fictional horror movie killer ‘one on ones’ will draw the line on who would have won after all in a fight!

Freddy Krueger vs Michael Myers

Michael Myers has been a torment to survivors on many of the halloweens throughout the past few decades. Freddy Krueger has been active throughout various times of the year, but enjoys raising hell when school is in…thus, it is logical that the two horror movie slashers would meet up at one point or another!  If Freddy Krueger ran across Michael one Halloween, he would probably put Michael into a sleep-induced Haddonfield killing-spree coma, while he were buried alive.

Winner: Freddy Krueger

Method: Asphyxiation and Sleep-induced Coma

Leatherface vs Michael Myers

michael myers vs leatherface killer

Michael Myers keeps coming back from the dead and has been a demonic nightmare ever since the late 70s. However, Leatherface has also been killing since the 70s and may be the largest opponent Michael Myers has ever faced.  While this would be a close fight, the deciding factor came down to the ability to sustain blows.  Michael’s first blow would probably not be able to kill Leatherface, no matter how grim the wound.  Leatherface, however, is capable of literally chopping off limbs and cutting Michael’s body in half, with just one swing of his chainsaw.

Winner: Leatherface

Method: Body Dismemberment and Cut In Half

Pinhead vs Michael Myers

Michael Myers began life as a mortal human being, unlike Pinhead, who is a demon and supernatural by nature.  Myers received his supernatural developments throughout time, and unfortunately stands a serious handicap in the respect of actual power.  However, if he had a fair shot, he would probably at least look pretty while Pinhead tore him to pieces, literally!

Winner: Pinhead

Method: Detainment and Dismemberment

Leatherface vs Jason Voorhees

Leatherface is one bad mamba jamba, and has been taking out travelers for decades. Jason Voorhees, however, quite literally cannot die in a mortal sense.  Additionally, Jason can sustain unimaginable blows and still continue to hack and slash, showing no signs of slowing down.  Leatherface has been seen vulnerable on a number of occasions, leaving him writhing in pain after a survivor successfully lashes back.  Leatherface would meet his doom if encountering Jason in a one on one fight…even with his chainsaw!

Winner: Jason Voorhees

Method: Macheted In Half

Pinhead vs Jason Voorhees

jason vs pinhead winner

Jason Voorhees has been brought back from the dead after being spat out of hell. Pinhead is no longer human, just like Jason, however, he exists in an extradimensional realm only to travel to Earth to harvest souls. While the two characters share a lot in common (Jason only returns to Earth to murder and wreak havoc), Jason would be unable to overcome the impressive use of demonic magic that would be present within the fight.

Winner: Pinhead

Method: Detainment and Dismemberment

Chucky vs Michael Myers

Michael Myers stalks his victims and has a good chance of sneaking up on Chucky…however, Chucky is no stranger to deception himself.  Michael has killed a few victims based upon his strength, however, he is mostly known for his ability to kill with a blade. Chucky, being an inanimate doll, would likely be able to survive one or two slashes from Michael’s blade in order to outsmart him.  Given Michael is significantly lacking in the intelligence department, he would probably fall victim to a larger plot pre-planned by Chucky (probably using objects much larger than himself).

Winner: Chucky

Method: Trapping and Smashing Michael Between Two Heavy Objects

Freddy Krueger vs Chucky

chucky vs freddy drawing

Chucky may be practically invulnerable to a mortal human being, however, when subject to the dreamworld, he would be much more vulnerable.  Freddy is able to manipulate dreams and would most likely destroy Chucky by way of extreme explosion while he slept, scattering all of his pieces and stuffings throughout the dreamworld. Remember: “If you die in your dreams you die for real!”

Winner: Freddy Krueger

Method: Extreme Explosive Dismemberment

Leatherface vs Pinhead

Leatherface is rash and impulsive, thus his demise versus a telekinetic and supernatural power-harnessing demon from another dimension (such as Pinhead) would be rather quick!  Most likely, Leatherface would rush towards his opponent, only to be controlled by telekinesis and quickly facing his own chainsaw in the chest!

Winner: Pinhead

Method: Telekinetic Manipulation of a Chainsaw to the Gut

Freddy Krueger vs Leatherface

Leatherface may be muscular, fast and brutal, but he is no match for falling asleep and dying in his dreams.  Leatherface would likely be terrorized by confusion, as he is the least smartest of the horror movie slashers. When he awoke, it would probably be to the feeling of a chainsaw working its way through his chest somehow, or being impaled on a meat hook.

Winner: Freddy Krueger

Method: Impaled by a Running Chainsaw / Impaled on a Meat Hook

Jason Voorhees vs Chucky

Although Jason may be a little dumb, Chucky’s ability to outwit him may be nullified by Jason’s slower, unpredictable movements. Jason stands a chance at catching Chucky due to his slower movement increasing the likelihood of Chucky growing frustrated and getting too close to the slashing giant.  With Jason’s strength, it would not even require a machete!

Winner: Jason Voorhees

Method: Beheading and Crushing of the Doll’s Skull

Freddy Krueger vs Pinhead

The only killer with the ability to set up Freddy with a life sentence of psychological torture, or torture of any means, is Pinhead. Pinhead is a powerful demon capable of traveling between dimensions and manipulating reality.  Freddy lacks the ability to actually read minds and can only manipulate reality in the dreamworld. Does Pinhead even sleep?  In a fight, Freddy would only be able to resort to his agile martial-arts like movements focusing primarily on his claw-weapon.  This would make him no greater contest than a black belt in karate with a sword.*

*Though Freddy has been seen manipulating reality (telekinesis primarily) in the real-world…he is ultimately powerless against Pinheads ability to cause any object, including ones he would be controlling, to spontaneously combust.  Additionally, Pinhead can conjure any object out of thin air.

Winner: Pinhead

Method: Detainment and Psychological Torment For The Rest Of Time

Leatherface vs Chucky

Most victims run from Leatherface. Most of the other killers would stand up to fight Leatherface. Chucky, however, would hide to fight Leatherface. Chucky is a pretty smart doll, and being that he is really small and Leatherface is rather large and less flexible, Leatherface would have a hard time catching Chucky to inflict any damage. Chucky, on the other hand, is quite crafty and a very clever slasher. Before Leatherface had any idea what hit him, he’d be tumbling into a human-sized meat grinder.

Winner: Chucky

Method: Falling Into an Industrial Size Meat Grinder (or Wood Chipper of Sorts)

Pinhead vs Chucky

pinhead drawing

Unfortunately, Chucky faces the same problems as Michael Myers when it comes to Pinhead: Pinhead is a supreme supernaturally powerful demon and Chucky is a normal human being with a curse.  Chucky is also limited to human-capable methods of murder, such as death by knife…whereas Pinhead has the ability to create and manipulate the world with magic.

Winner: Pinhead

Method: Detainment and Dismemberment

Anyone vs Ghostface

Unfortunately for Ghostface, ridiculous teenagers with knives do not stand chances against real horror movie slashers (no offense Ghostface and Scream crowd).  While Ghostface may seriously tear through some victims on screen, he is most definitely the least likely to win out of all of the horror slashers when pit against any of them.

Winner: Anyone other than Ghostface

Method: Nearly Any Weapon Would Do

Freddy Krueger vs Jason Voorhees [real fight]

Horror Enthusiast disagrees with the result of Freddy vs Jason (2003) and thus has redrawn the scenario, as a proper horror fanatic would.  Freddy wins. Jason dies.  The end.

Winner: Freddy Krueger

Method: Drowning and Sleep-induced Coma

Final Notes About Which Killer Would Win

Pinhead is the clear overall winner, being able to detain and or destroy any of the other horror movie killers. However, Freddy Krueger is a close second, as his demon-like manipulation techniques are simply too powerful for any other slasher to overcome.  In a few scenarios, Freddy may even have a chance to take Pinhead out for good…though, highly unlikely! Chucky receives an honorable mention for his ability to take down some of the much larger giants despite his small size.

Although the fights are between killers who have franchises and are well known for their scary death counts, we realize we have not included all noteworthy horror slashers. If you would like to see how your killer of choice (or anyone we have left out) stacks up against the rest, leave a comment below!

Also, check out our other article on who has the most kills.

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