38 years after the release of the 1984 cult classic slasher film, The Mutilator, writer/director Buddy Cooper is bringing back the bloodbath with the long awaited sequel, Mutilator 2. Starring such horror icons as Terry Kiser (Friday the 13th Part VII, From a Whisper to a Scream) and Damian Maffei (The Strangers: Prey at Night, Haunt), as well as The Mutilator alumni Ruth Martinez and Bill Hitchcock, Mutilator 2 brings together modern horror and a taste of the 80’s fun that fans loved from the original.
You know a film has reached cult status when Rotten Tomatoes scores it at 24% but the diehards like James O’s review really brings it all to the table.
Apr 07, 2011 – James O – on Rotten Tomatoes
From 1984 comes The Mutilator. The Mutilator is unique is a few ways that set it apart from all the other slasher movies: First, it actually has a GOOD title and end song. It’s not 80s punk rock; it has a kind of jazzy feel to it. I like how this one lulls you into a sense of security by having the first two murders being almost bloodless, and then…WHAM! Gore galore! This one is very gory, and there’s one kill that almost made me throw up (the kill with the gaffe). It’s a great slasher movie, and definitely worthy of your time.
Alexander Taylor (Scream, Queen! My Nightmare On Elm Street, Isolation, Paramount Plus’s Unknown Dimension: The Story Of Paranormal Activity, Arkansas, Eli Roth & Jason Blum’s Crypt TV) has signed on to score the upcoming sequel, from Bloody Disgusting’s article
Taylor said in a statement, “I’m so honored and excited to be a part of The Mutilator franchise. One of the best parts of this is the fact that Buddy Cooper is back! It’s rare for a legacy film to have the original writer and director come back, so you know this is going to be special. Buddy and I already have some cool themes and wild ideas for the score.”
Watch the Original 1984 Cult Classic Horror Film “The Mutilator” trailer on Youtube if you dare.
“I had 4 copies of The Mutilator (including a heavily edited family friendly version!) and a promotional standee as a kid, so to be joining this sequel, working with Bud Cooper, some of the original returning cast, and jumping back in to raise some hell with Terry… it’s surreal. I am beyond excited.” – Damian Maffei
Filming begins in 2022, so keep your eyes on The Mutilator movie Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Big.Insane.Ed) and Instagram (@the_mutilator_shop) pages for updates.

Tritone’s love of horror and mystery began at a young age. Growing up in the 80’s he got to see some of the greatest horror movies play out in the best of venues, the drive-in theater. That’s when his obsession with the genre really began—but it wasn’t just the movies, it was the games, the books, the comics, and the lore behind it all that really ignited his obsession. Tritone is a published author and continues to write and write about horror whenever possible.