Which Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie is Scariest?
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies are grisly and absolutely filled with violent endings. The killer, Leatherface is strong, a fast runner and wears a terrifying mask. The Texas Chainsaw movies paint a truly scary experience. A horror orchestra of empty sounds in the woods…only crickets and the gentle wind running through the grass. A bright full moon and the dust from the dirt road lightly kicked up in the moonlight. And a loud, shiny chainsaw moving at you through the nighttime air! Yes indeed, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is truly scary and no one wants to encounter Leatherface under any circumstance.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movies Ranked by Scariest
There are eight official Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies. They began in 70s with the most recent only being released overseas in 2017. Without further ado…Horror Enthusiast has ranked the Texas Chainsaw movies from scariest to least scariest.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
1st Scariest Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie
The original Texas Chainsaw film is the scariest movie of them all. It possesses a raw horror, a fear that can be felt deeply in the audience. Even today, in a day and age when hitchhiking has practically come to a complete halt, the original film still taps into the core of what scares people. Despite the Texas Chainsaw Massacre being a slasher horror movie, it has a psychological thriller side to it that has the ability to leave a watcher shaken for life.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
2nd Scariest Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie
Sporting a new Leatherface and a new family name, the Hewitts, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) keeps fans on the edge of their seats throughout the entire movie. This flick was a box office hit and also an awesome, ‘loose’ recreation of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. With an awesome cast (centered around Jessica Biel), great directing and awesome promotional skills, the 2003 chainsaw movie ranks in as the second scariest film in the franchise.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
3rd Scariest Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie
The ‘prequel to the 2003 remake’, featuring the Hewitts and how Leatherface began killing was about as scary as the 2003 remake. A different cast was used (centered around Jordana Brewster) as the cast from the other movie died, as usual. Nonetheless, everyone did a great job and ‘The Beginning’ easily ranks 3rd scariest movie in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise.
Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990)
4th Scariest Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie
This movie was decently scary, with a creepy, dangerous family and an equally scary Leatherface. No comedy in this movie, only pure chainsaw and cannibal-terror.
Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)
5th Scariest Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie
Arriving a little late to the 3D movie rush did not help Texas Chainsaw 3D at the box office. The movie was equally disappointing in terror as well. The audience may have gasped ‘ooh’ and ‘ah’, but they seemed much less scared than in previous Texas Chainsaw films.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (1995)
6th Scariest Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie
The new take on Leatherface and his family in this movie, is a horror conspiracy involving the government (or something). It seems there are people hiring the Sawyer family to hijack, trap and otherwise torment travelers moving through their town. Even with a rock star cast, the movie only pulls in toward the bottom of the list.
Leatherface (2017)
7th Scariest Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie
Firstly, this film was not released in the United States at all. It stars a younger Leatherface, however, ultimately veers away from the traditional Leatherface story line and seems to be rejected by many Texas Chainsaw Massacre fans. It is not as scary as the rest of the franchise leaving it ranking at the bottom of the list.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

8th Scariest Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie
This movie was more like a comedy than it was a horror movie. It was still part of the franchise and Leatherface still appeared in the movie. With the ridiculous deaths and crazy dialogue, the second movie in the franchise firmly locks down the least scariest rank when it comes to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films.
The Chainsaw Heard Around the World
Leatherface is a maniac with a chainsaw and apparently that is just what the fans wanted! As the Texas Chainsaw movies have developed a cult following and are a notorious draw at the box office, when properly produced. They are almost always scary movies and show off some seriously scary and gory death scenes. It turns out that a chainsaw is a unique weapon in that it not only inspires natural fear in the damage it can cause…but it sounds truly terrifying and is the only horror movie killer weapon which can be heard before it can be seen! This makes the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies and Leatherface, uniquely terrifying!

Tritone’s love of horror and mystery began at a young age. Growing up in the 80’s he got to see some of the greatest horror movies play out in the best of venues, the drive-in theater. That’s when his obsession with the genre really began—but it wasn’t just the movies, it was the games, the books, the comics, and the lore behind it all that really ignited his obsession. Tritone is a published author and continues to write and write about horror whenever possible.