Does Freddy Krueger Live Forever?
Freddy Krueger is an intimidating, nightmare-intruding horror movie killer! Being one of the only “reality manipulating” slashers, he holds a lot more power than the traditional horror movie slasher. In almost every Nightmare on Elm Street movie, they try to kill Freddy Krueger for good…but Freddy always seems to come back! Freddy’s repeated return to the big screen leaves Elm Street fans everywhere wondering…
Is Freddy Krueger Actually Immortal? Is there any way to kill Freddy Krueger for good? What are the most effective strategies to survive a Nightmare on Elm Street movie?
Ways Freddy Krueger Has Died (or Been “Killed”)
Freddy Krueger is an intrusive, finger-knived slasher who just keeps coming back. Still, here are some of the ways his victims have tried to take him out…
Death From Being Forgotten
When an entire town disbelieves in Freddy Krueger or otherwise “forgets” him, he is unable to kill. Freddy Krueger gets his power from the fear his victims feel and think after hearing horror stories about the finger-bladed slasher.
Drag Him Out of the Dreamworld
The Nightmare on Elm Street killer thrives in the dream world, where his power truly vibrates. With that said, many victims have discovered that Freddy Krueger can be pulled out of the dreamworld and into reality, where he is much weaker. And while he is still a very agile fighter in the real world and quite dangerous…at least the victims stand a better chance!
Killed by Fire
Although Freddy’s “real life” demise came from being burned alive while trapped in the boiler room…he was also burned alive, after being dragged into the real world at the end of the first movie.
Hypnocil is one of Freddy’s indirect weaknesses. The fictional “Elm Street” prescription eliminates dreams, effectively eliminating Freddy Krueger’s back door entrance to slaughtering endless Elm Street victims.
Holy Blessings
Freddy Krueger is pure evil, and thus hates all things “church.” When anointed correctly with holy water or otherwise blessed, Freddy Krueger cannot sustain power. The catch? His bones have to be blessed and they are buried in a super creepy automobile graveyard. Bring a cross.
Steal His Power
In one movie, a heroine successfully ‘steals’ the power from some of her fallen friends. Before Freddy knows what hit him, she beats his butt, sending him away for a long time. The down side, is that only some people seem to have the power to absorb skills and abilities from their dead friends.
Krueger is a softie for attention. In fact, he absolutely loves the limelight! So any opportunity for attention usually takes priority for the glove-wielding slasher. Victims have used his vanity and attention-loving weakness as a way to escape him or otherwise take him out. One time, he was even beheaded after being distracted.
Trapped Souls
Freddy’s power gets greater as he absorbs the souls of his victims, trapping them in his evil forever. However, sometimes it is possible to find ‘cracks’ in Freddy’s spirit, freeing the trapped souls enough for them to fight back. When the souls fight back, they fight back hard, typically dragging Freddy back to hell.
Freddy Always Comes Back

The Nightmare on Elm Street slasher is one tough killer. No matter how they try to take Freddy out, he always comes back. Freddy is even seen winking, taunting the audience in 2003 as Jason carries his head out of the water. Part of the problem people do not realize when trying to kill him, is that he is pure evil himself. Bottom line: Freddy Krueger is immortal, despite being able to die in the real world.

Tritone’s love of horror and mystery began at a young age. Growing up in the 80’s he got to see some of the greatest horror movies play out in the best of venues, the drive-in theater. That’s when his obsession with the genre really began—but it wasn’t just the movies, it was the games, the books, the comics, and the lore behind it all that really ignited his obsession. Tritone is a published author and continues to write and write about horror whenever possible.